Haste makes waste, part 157

In today’s episode, I lament when the rush to meet a deadline means that the software is not checked out sufficiently, and multiple problems/errors are discovered, most of which have to get fixed later. Sigh…

Sometimes there are business reasons for shipping something by a certain date. The cost of meeting that date, though, sometimes includes future payments to correct problems. There is no “one size fits all” answer to this topic, but the cost of corrections should be considered as part of the overall cost (unless schedule is king, which means resources will be made available to fix what needs to be fixed). Thoughts, anyone?


Install notes on 1999.io and MyWord Editor

I am working with Ron Chester to set up some instances of the 1999.io and MyWord Editor blogging tools, and have some test installs working on my Digital Ocean instance. I did have to make a tweak to one of the files in the nodestorage app, will be filing a Github issue on this. However, I did want to capture a few points that I re-learned in doing this again:

  • Install separate instances of nodestorage for each app (using different ports), otherwise you will mess up one of the tool outputs.
  • The Twitter API setup at apps.twitter.com has changed a little bit, what used to be called consumer secret and API secret are now part of the API secrets at the top of the page with the secrets info.

If you want to try the installs, go to the following URLs:

Read: Write it down

Read ( )

Whenever you have an idea, write it down. Immediately.

It doesn’t matter how big or small you think the idea is. Just write it down. It doesn’t matter if you have other things to do, like changing diapers, fixing that horrible JengaScript bug, or debating on Twitter whether everyone’s a designer. There is always something that seems more important. But trust me. Write it down. Immediately.

From Matthias Ott

I wholeheartedly agree!


Read: Defining a microblog post

Read Defining a microblog post

I’m working on a new project around timelines and microblogs. It consumes RSS feeds, so I’ve been wondering how strict to be when accepting posts. What does microblog mean, anyway?
Wikipedia defines it this way: “Microblogging is a broadcast medium that exists in the form of blogging. A microblo…