in Music

MIDI controller debugging for Alesis V49

In an earlier post, I mentioned I bought an Alesis V49 MIDI keyboard controller. However, when I tried to use it with multiple programs, they appeared to recognize it in the settings/preferences area, but would not detect any key-up/key down data. After a lot more experimenting, I figured out that I was selecting the wrong thing in the settings/preferences menu. Here is a screenshot from Reaper:

The upper part of the window deals with inputs, the bottom part deals with outputs. There were two entries for each part (MIDIXX2 (V49) and V49). I did not have any instructions, so I selected the first one (MIDI…). Well, that was INCORRECT! I needed to select the “V49” entry. Once I stumbled onto that key fact, all of the DAW apps were able to detect key input.

The moral: keep trying different options until something works!


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  1. I had the same issue. but my problem is more like I have to disconnect the usc connectivity to detect the V49 again. it just keeps saying not connected everytime I go out of reaper and go back in again. But the MIDIIN2V49 always keeps staying visible.