The power of cleaning up your kanban backlog

When I restarted working with my kanban board in January 2019, I did not remove any of the items in the backlog part of the board.  Last week, I had to move to a different cubicle last week, and I took all the backlog post-it notes off the board with the intent of adding them to the board in my new cubicle. On Monday, I started creating new post-it notes for my current work, and decided to not look for those old backlog items just yet. I rapidly built up a new backlog (as I captured every task I thought of (step 1 in Getting Things Done)), but have been completing tasks at a much quicker rate than in early January (completed at least 10 tasks a day through Wednesday). I think not having those old items has helped me to feel more motivated about completing tasks on the board. Whatever the reason is for the increased productivity, it feels good!

Read: Austin and Lockhart, Texas: 10 barbecue restaurants in 72 hours

Read Austin and Lockhart, Texas: 10 barbecue restaurants in 72 hours by philg

On a recent business trip to Austin I resolved to consume 100 percent of my calories at barbecue restaurants.
The trip started with an Uber ride from the airport (the city’s license raj effectively outlawed Uber, but the state legislature brought them back). Traffic was horrific reverse-commuting …

Wow! I still remember the last great barbecue I ate in Texas (I think it was Cooper’s in Llano), this is a great list to sample on my next trip for Texas…

Appcasting: A Definition

What do you call audio content that is available through a paywall or app? An appcast.

What do you call the distribution of audio content through a paywall or app? Appcasting.

Simple, easy to understand, right?

This is my response to Dave Winer’s podcast definition and followup podcast on this topic. Ken Smith eloquently describes the downsides/fallout of a move to appcasting.

Thoughts/opinions? Let’s hear from you!


In this recent article by Ken Smith, he makes an effective argument that all of us will soon need to be more involved in our democracy….

We need to use more potent words than words like do something. We need some particular ideas, some actual knowledge, not just ideas about climate change but, with the same urgency, ideas about activism. How it really works.