Maggie Appleton: Daily Notes Pages – Describes a practice of having a daily page which serves as a collector of thoughts/ideas, which can then be refined and turned into more detailed notes, or left in the daily page to be found through tags or searches.

Adding value to information

Ken Smith read my post commenting on his “Why write?” post, and focused on a link talking about adding value to information. Ken tweeted about it, and I would like to explore this more.

I follow multiple RSS feeds using River5 and specialized lists by category (my main list has 155 feeds). I view these feeds through a standalone river-of-news app that displays the feeds and has its own URL. The newest items are at the top of the page. River5 truncates the items to be less than 500 characters (I think). When I see an article I want to read fully, I right-click on the link to open a new browser tab. I usually scroll through the news app page until I get to the last place I read to, then start reading the tabs I have opened.

My process has mostly been to be a “collector” (see this excellent article on the “Collector’s Fallacy”, I have this disease), with multiple link dump documents (mostly not organized, one or two documents organized on a single topic.). I spent a little time exploring how to organize these links, but have made little progress. From the link I mentioned at the start of this post, I am past “reading” and I am at the “collecting quotes” stage (if I change “quotes” to “links”, I think that is a better description what I am doing).

The next step up the value chain is “creating excerpts”, or a summary of a text (think “blog post” or “story”). Sometimes I add a sentence summarizing what a link is about, most of the time not. This would be a new area of refinement for me, and I am considering it. The zettle author Christian has a great post on how to process the reading from RSS feeds, and how to create a “knowledge cycle” (think “workflow”) to manage the moving of the information read from RSS feeds into a zettlekasten or other knowledge system. I am going to spend some time unpacking these posts this week and see if I can improve my information processing workflow.

One last note on the notes in a zettlekasten system. There has been much discussion about “atomic notes”, which represents the key ideas from a person’s research on some topic or source (sources one and two). These are not the kind of thing I am interested in creating/collecting, or at least not what I have been doing. A far more typical thing for me is something I did at work today. I was trying to figure out how to convert the output of a program into another format. I did some searching, installed a tool, found a script, played with the script in the tool, figured out how to use it, then wrote down a summary of my steps and added links to what I found in my search. Since I am not doing research for a book or for writing academic papers, the idea of an atomic note does not fit into my information world. However, capturing the steps of a discovery or how I worked out a problem. is very real and concrete to me. I used to know a fellow engineer who wrote “technical notes” to capture work he was doing (like a journal entry). Maybe that is how I should consider this type of knowledge creation. 

I am adding this to Frank McPherson’s collection on organizing information.

Followup on Org Mode and Indexes

I was glad to see that Frank McPherson looked at Org Mode from my earlier post, and had a good observation about being able to assign priorities to a task in a todo list and to visualize that in Org Mode. I have not used agenda mode to view Org files, so I was not aware of that limitation. Overall, my use of Org Mode is pretty basic.

Frank’s recent post on indexes (aside: I like that term better than “indices”) provides a lot to consider. I think the ability to have items smaller than a whole OPML file included in other items as Frank describes is would be a terrific feature to have in an information product. The subject of indexes is also an important area of work, in that it represents the distilled experience/knowledge of the index creator. Brad Enslen and Joe Jennett have been working on individual indexes/directories. and Brad’s manifesto from 2018 called on other web users to create their own indexes or directories.

Perhaps another term that could be used is “resource pages”. To me, that is what the “awesome-X” Github repo README pages for Emacs and Drummer represent – a collection of resources, in an organized presentation (grouped by topic, for example). Frank’s technology page and Ken Smith’s page on resources for writing better op-eds are good examples.

More thoughts on organizing information for use

I recently created a web app to use the opmlPackage NPM module from Dave Winer to display the contents of four OPML files at one time. The app uses the includes feature, which can read other OPML files from a single OPML file and save the content locally for processing. I created four OPML files myself for this test app, but the four files could have been created by anyone. 

So the main benefit of the OPML Includes site is that it can display multiple outlines (which can be edited by multiple people, not just one person) and have the content refreshed whenever someone goes to the site. If the content is changing on a frequent basis, this could be an easy way to see the updates. If the content is fairly static, it may not be significant. In that case, single page apps could be used to view the outlines separately, so perhaps there is not much benefit in using the includes feature in opmlPackage.

Ken Smith has had some thoughts about potential uses:

“And I’m still musing about uses. About the slide down into the archive problem of blogging and social media, and maybe using the app as a partial remedy. Keeping the good stuff in view, and adding to the good stuff over time and linking the good stuff to a wider circle of relevant content. Taking the web part of the web seriously rather than letting the slide down into the archive turn it all into ghostly memories.”

Again, an OPML outline, rendered using existing tools, could provide a way to collect that information in a single document. In 2010, Jay Rosen’s Studio 20 journalism program at New York University partnered with ProPublica to research the area of “explainers”, or explanatory journalism at a site called The site is still available on the Internet Archive. I think that this is a method of addressing the “slide down into the archive” problem, but it does take effort. Someone has to create such an explainer, and then monitor the Web for items related to that topic, read and curate them, and add them to the explainer as needed. The main problem is someone has to have the desire and interest to collect information on a topic and share that information. If there is no one with that interest, no tool for collecting and displaying that information is going to be of much use.

Using OPML to organize information for use

Recently, Ken Smith shared an example of a directory of activities to do during a wedding weekend (primarily for attendees not familiar with the area). I recently started a OPML directory of sorts on Oregon elections. Using the feature from Dave Winer, these directories can be easily reviewed by others. I also recently created a Github repo to collect thoughts on organizing information for use, but it is not in OPML format (although it could be…)

In the early days of OPML, some people were trying to organize podcast directories using OPML files. The idea was that someone could be the maintainer of a directory on a topic, and that file could be included as a folder/directory within a larger directory structure. After playing with the new includes feature in opmlPackage, I started thinking about this again. My impression is that many people who post lists of things do so with the idea of sharing, but the reuse of that sharing is difficult. However, if the list was in an OPML file, this would lend itself to reuse/sharing/remixing. If you had a group of experts who could summarize/curate information/resources for a set of topics in OPML, this could be the basis of a larger work which could be updated at anytime by any of the experts (see Ken Smith’s “Beyond griping” post for more info). As I mentioned in this post, maybe starting a little “beachhead” for experimentation would be in order. Watch this space for more details!


What, again? Yes, again. Today I’m working on creating and saving a reusable Docker image of gRSShopper. I have the benefit of some previous work on this set-up, and so it might work today, so I’m documenting my process.

I am planning to install this sometime….

Bookmarked The Art of Self-Coaching (Public Course) (Ed Batista)

Photo by Seth Anderson OVERVIEW The Art of Self-Coaching is a course that I designed and launched at the Stanford Graduate School of Business (GSB) in Spring 2015, and in Spring 2020 I’m teaching it again for the 13th time…