Center for the Study of the Public Domain: Public Domain Day 2024 – A review of the works coming into the public domain this year – the most famous one being the Disney cartoon “Steamboat Willie”.
Election Fraud in Bridgeport, Connecticut
NBC News: In Connecticut, a rare election do-over could oust a sitting mayor – The race is among three recent election redos across the country, raising eyebrows among experts who worry such contests may become more common.
NBC Connecticut: Judge orders new Bridgeport mayoral primary after surveillance videos show possible ballot stuffing
Election Law Blog: Coverage of this Bridgeport CT mayoral election
Connecticut Mirror: How the battle for absentee ballots defined the Bridgeport election – More than 22% of all votes cast in the Bridgeport Democratic primary were absentee ballots
Connecticut Mirror: How CT Mirror investigated Bridgeport’s absentee voting process – an excellent breakdown of how the CT Mirror used data journalism techniques to figure out what happened in this election
The Federalist: Judge Overturns Bridgeport Mayoral Election Due To Evidence Of Mail Ballot Fraud
Election Law Blog: Roundup: Colorado Supreme Court’s Disqualification of Trump from 2024 Primary Ballot – Links to media, analyses, and the actual decision from the Colorado Supreme Court.
Lawfare Media: Tracking Trump Section 3 Disqualification Challenges – This page tracks which states have active Section 3 litigation or administrative proceedings to remove Trump from the 2024 ballot. At the bottom is a selected reading of Lawfare‘s coverage on the issue.
Truthout: 2023 Saw a Growing Pro-Democracy Movement Win Voting Access Gains – State lawmakers have been pushed to make pro-democracy reforms in the absence of federal legislation to protect voters.
Politico: ‘The Opposite of Politics’: A Conservative Legal Scholar Says Kicking Trump Off the Ballot Is ‘Unassailable’ – J. Michael Luttig explains why he thinks the 14th Amendment should prevent Trump from running for president again.
The American Conservative: How Mass Mail-In Voting Changes Everything – A Republican-slanted article analyzing how mail-in voting affects Republican candidates. Quote: “Mass mail-in voting is not a voting rights matter. It is a matter of greatly expanding the power of leftist nonprofits and partisan election activists to manipulate elections and determine outcomes.”
Bolts Mag: Twelve Questions Shaping Democracy and Voting Rights in 2024 – A good overview of how local, county and state governments, state and federal courts, and legislatures could affect the 2024 elections. Report on the 2023 conference. I have been listening to the presentations, it has been very enjoyable so far! Editorial: Fixing Oregon in 2024 – This editorial focuses on the issues of housing, homelessness, behaviorial health, K-12 education, political unity, and electing competent leaders.