Arizona Republic editorial: Title: “Stay in this race, Nikki Haley, and make Donald Trump set himself on fire” – offers a speech that Nikki Haley could give to really enrage Trump, best quote is this one after the suggested speech: “That should do it. That should ignite the afterburners in Trump’s ears and eye sockets.”
CNN: Jury finds Trump must pay $83.3 million to E. Jean Carroll (Love it!) (link is to CNN live blog of coverage for 1/26/2024, includes a lot of quotes from E. Jean Carroll’s closing statements).
Org Mode for Beginners is back!
Several years ago, I started a site (Org Mode for Beginners) to host videos to help people learn how to use Org Mode within the Emacs text editor. I have not made any new videos for several years, but I am ready to start making Org Mode videos again, and wanted to let my readers know. I also wanted to get some feedback on what topics people would like to see covered in my videos. I would really appreciate it if you could reply and tell me your number one question about using Org Mode, what would help you to be more productive, or make better use of Org Mode. That would help me to best target your needs! Thanks in advance for your reply, and be watching for a new video soon!
New York Times: “Here Is One Way to Steal the Presidential Election” by Lawrence Lessig and Matthew Seligman – Gives an overview of how state legislators could direct electors on how to cast their electoral votes, and some ideas to stop this. I would say this could happen – let’s be careful out there! The Quiet Death of Ello’s Big Dreams by Andy Baio – A fairly detailed story of the birth, life, and death of a social network/platform (that I never heard of), that started off with good intentions, but after taking venture capital, headed down the road to ruin.
Jeffrey Zeldman: Knowledge Management for the Win – gives some examples of online org/companies sharing handbooks/guides, makes the statement that the main areas of KM are accumulating, storing, and sharing knowledge. Brief, but has some good links. (My category on knowledge management)
James Gallagher: The what, why, how formula of technical writing – “These three questions allow me to evaluate the extent to which my writing and the writing of others follows through on its stated goals.”. The post gives examples of each question – nice!
Ark: Ark is a static website generator built in Python. It’s small, elegant, and simple to use. (via Greg Wilson) Greg Wilson uses this to create his blog and many of his books.
Maggie Appleton: Daily Notes Pages – Describes a practice of having a daily page which serves as a collector of thoughts/ideas, which can then be refined and turned into more detailed notes, or left in the daily page to be found through tags or searches.
Nick Anderson: How I Org in 2024 – “Org-mode is my exocortex, second brain, second mind, mind palace, pensive, and personal knowledge management system. It’s very flexible and the features I use as well as how I organize my files continues to change so I collected things here to document how I do things in 2024, I did this in 2023 as well.” Interesting descriptions of use of org-capture and how he retrieves information from his org files. (via Sacha Chua)