There are 69 posts filed in IndieWeb (this is page 7 of 7).
My notes from the Homebrew Website Meeting – PDX
One topic I asked about was the POSSE concept, and how that contrasts with people’s use of IRC. My observation was that some people do not post often on their site, but spend a lot of time talking with people on IRC. I thought that Aaron Parecki’s explanation of IRC as “quick communication” was good.
I have only been working on IndieWeb stuff for a few weeks, so some things (like IRC and Twitter) are still a little new to me. I’ll keep working on it, though!
Working with Webmention for WordPress – video #ind…
Working with Webmention – video
I have created a short screencast below to show how to install and test the Webmention plugin for WordPress, feedback is welcome!
Testing the WordPress Webmention plugin
Thanks to Kartik Prahbu on the IndieWebCamp IRC channel for posting a webmention to one of my posts, I was able to see the comment in my moderation panel!
I did have a question about my testing, and I am adding this information to hopefully get some help from others.
Looking at my curl response, I wonder why it would have a 404 Not Found message even though I was able to see the webmention comment. Here is a screenshot:
Any comments?
Matt is working on testing webmentions, let’s see if this makes it back!
First Steps in Using IndieAuth
I then followed the instructions at to allow users to sign into my website. To set this up, I added a Text widget with the following text:
After moving the widget to just below my Bio widget, it looks like this:
I then tested this with my domain ( I saw that I was able to authenticate with one of my social network identities, but then I was directed to some other page that did not mean much to me:
I then clicked on the link within the page, but it took me to the IANA main site – ugh.
Finally, I installed the IndieAuth WordPress plugin and repeated the above steps from my form, and saw the same results. However, I saw a difference in my WordPress login page after activating the plugin:
I entered my domain and was able to authenticate, but then got a message that I did not have an account associated with that website. I will have to look more into this topic.
Experimenting with the Social plugin for WordPress
I entered text and a URL at the end, but my weblog did not display the link as active:
The link did appear active in Twitter, though:
Next, I entered text and a link again, and this one did display the link on the weblog:
I think that the problem was that there was a colon before the link in the first example, I will have to perform some more tests for that problem.
I also decided to change the template for the tweet. Here is how the initial default setting appears in the Social settings page:
The format is:
{title}: {content} {url}
This resulted in this tweet:
I decided to remove the URL field so that it now looks like:
{title}: {content}
This resulted in this tweet:
I started adding more than 140 characters to see if the Social plugin would shorten the URL at the end of the post, but it did not perform any shortening. If I want to shorten URLs in a post, it looks like I will need to find a URL shortener plugin or use a service like Bitly.
Overall, the Social plugin meets my needs (I don’t have a Facebook account, so I don’t know how well that part works). I will probably try other plugins like Jetpack to see how they work.
Rebooting My Weblog
Out of the Box – These types of posts will be to capture the first experience of using a tool, app, or technique. My hope is to capture the good, the bad, and the ugly, and provide feedback on the bad and ugly parts.
Narrate Your Work – Following Dave Winer’s post, I am going to work to document my steps as I try out new tools and apps.
I am also going to take heart in Matt Mullenweg’s post for the New Year where he talks about the intrinsic value of blogging, and write this weblog for myself and one other person (I will have to figure our who that person is!). Now, let’s get started!
Adding hCard information to my About page
Now to figure out my next step…