Bookmarked Journalism is not for journalists (

“Journalism is not for journalists. It’s for citizens, and we should have citizens in our minds at every point of what we do”. Award-winning journalist Shirish Kulkarni explains why audiences are fed up with news and how journalists can re-engage with them

Bookmarked Spreadsheets are special (

Don’t dismiss the spreadsheet. It not only brought programming to the masses, but was an early entry into rapid application development, functional programming and an easy and natural approach to parallel programming, reactive programming and cellular automata.

Bookmarked Modern Fortran Explained (

Written by Michael Metcalf, John Reid and Malcolm Cohen, all leading experts in the field, two of whom have actively contributed to Fortran 2018, this is a complete and authoritative description of Fortran in its latest form.

Some things just keep on movin’….


Welcome…to the wonderful world of letterpress printing! To start you on your way in this exciting, challenging, rewarding and anachronistic avocation, what follows is an introduction, freshly prepared for the start of the new millennium and updated to 2005, to the people, places, and online resources that will save you a great deal of time as you embark upon your letterpress activities. At the end of the document are links to dozens of other sites, many of which themselves contain links to hundreds of additional sites related to letterpress printing.

A terrific example of a resource page packed with links and information!

Bookmarked BBC Sound Effects (

These 16,000 BBC Sound Effects are made available by the BBC in WAV format to download for use under the terms of the RemArc Licence. The Sound Effects are BBC copyright, but they may be used for personal, educational or research purposes, as detailed in the license.

Might want to use this someday….


What, again? Yes, again. Today I’m working on creating and saving a reusable Docker image of gRSShopper. I have the benefit of some previous work on this set-up, and so it might work today, so I’m documenting my process.

I am planning to install this sometime….

Bookmarked How to start a podcast on (

This is a story of how I started a podcast, in 3 hours (apart from waiting for iTunes verification), with a total cost of $5/month. And that included my own domain name! I share detailed instructions on launching a brand new podcast on WordPress, and later promoting it on iTunes and Spotify (longer version of previous post)

Bookmarked Starting Your Own Podcast on (

It took three hours, with a total cost of $5/month, including our own domain name. In this post, I’ll share my journey of launching a brand-new podcast on, and later promoting it on iTunes and Spotify.

Bookmarked How to Produce a Remote Podcast by Distributed Editors (

As the world continues to work from home, podcasts are serving as a helpful diversion to listen to when we’re washing dishes or walking the dog. 
They’re fairly easy to produce from home, too. 
Many of the conversations we’ve featured on the Distributed podcast have taken place over Zoom, wi…