The mention of a social network built around RSS has come up again. I added my off-the-cuff thoughts on this topic in this post, but I also wanted to review Dave Winer’s description on the rssCloud website:
The authoring tool. I edit and update a feed. It contains a element that says how a subscriber should request to notification of updates.#
The cloud. It is notified of an update, and then in turn notifies all subscribers.#
The subscriber. A feed reader, aggregator, whatever — that subscribes to feeds that may or may not be part of a cloud. #
I think that these three elements are the minimum features for a social network to exist. By breaking this down into three parts, it is easier to see that multiple applications cane be created or assembled to create a social network. It does not have to be an “all-in-one” application (like Twitter, Mastodon, Bluesky, etc.). Users can use whatever tool they want to create their content, and they can use whatever tool they want to consume the content. Finally, both of those tools can interact with a “cloud server” which performs notification.
So why has this idea/concept not gained traction? I think there are several reasons. Many authoring tools create feeds, but do not support notification. Many subscriber apps read feeds, but on more of a “polling” basis, and not because the app has been notified that a feed has updated. To me, these are places where innovation could start.
I have been waiting for “someone else” to do this work, but “no one” has stepped in to start, so I am going to try adding some “notification” features to some other blogging tools. I would be remiss if I did not point out that there is a RSS Cloud plugin for WordPress blogs, and supports rssCloud. In my experience, though, my self-hosted WordPress blog has not experienced “real-time” performance due to caching of the RSS feed by my host, Bluehost. I have tried many ways to turn this off, with no success. Anyway, there is nothing “stopping” me from innovating here, so here goes!
After reading Dave Winer’s negative comments about the Podcasting 2.0 people reinventing rssCloud, but not linking to what they did, I decided to look for it – looks like something called podping (page references rssCloud and WebSub) and Why not point to it and let people decide for themselves?
On December 3, Dave Winer published a “call to develop” for a feed-based social media app (he mentioned Mastodon in his post, but could be any social media app out there in my opinion). Sounds great to me! I have a feed-based app using rssCloud for notification called MyStatusTool (link to Github repo and my install). It is implemented using Node.js, Express, and Embedded Javascript for templating. It inspired Colin Walker to develop a PHP implementation of the tool (Github repo, his install). We were able to use our tools to interop with each other (have a real-time conversation), and to follow other feeds using rssCloud for notification. I have tested my implementation with the rssCloud user feeds from FeedLand and in addition to Colin Walker’s MyStatusTool implementation, and verified the real-time performance (new posts showed up almost immediately).
Now, is MyStatusTool a fully-developed thing? Nope! It’s a bootstrap. It does use a number of Node packages developed by Dave Winer for feed generation and feed reading, and uses Andrew Shell’s rssCloud server for notification, so I think it falls into the “working together” category that Dave Winer wrote about in 2015: “When you have a choice, instead of re-inventing someone else’s work, use it.”
I am ready to work for interop with whatever Dave develops. I don’t have any illusion that MyStatusTool is the epiphany of feed-based social media tools, but I developed it to see if one could be developed, and it spawned another implementation, so I think that is pretty cool. Let’s get busy and see what happens!
For a long time, I have had problems with apparent caching of WordPress RSS feeds. In my recent work on WordPress support for rssCloud, I eventually was able to get a notification about a WordPress update from the RSS Cloud plugin, but the content of the feed did not update. I spent some time on this again this week, and decided to search for “wordpress caching issues bluehost” (since Bluehost is my hosting service). I found this post on ThemeSkills which described a feature within the Bluehost interface that controls caching on a site-by-site basis. After reading through the post, I was able to turn off caching on my test site for RSS Cloud. I then made a post on that site and saw the update within seconds on FeedLand and MyStatusTool, and saw the latest post display – at last!
Here are the steps:
Log into Bluehost account
Click on the My Sites link on the left navigation bar
Scroll to the site to review and click the Manage button
Click on the Performance tab
In the Cache Settings area of the page, slide the slider all the way to the left. If it is already there, move it to the right to the Blog area, then back all the way to the left
A pop-up will appear, click on the Disable Caching button
I have created a proof of concept for a microblogging tool relying on RSS for data storage and rssCloud for notification. I was motivated to do this to show how rssCloud could be used to support a Twitter-like experience. Also, I was blocked for posting an innocuous comment on the FeedLand user feed tool, and felt that there needed to be an alternative to that tool for microblog posting. My earlier posts on the development of this tool are here and here.
In this demo app, the basic functions are:
Ability to make a short post
When a post is made, a RSS feed is updated, a separate page for the post is created, and the post appears on the home page via Websockets
The tool provides hosting for the RSS feed and posts created
The tool can display updates to any RSS feeds that support the rssCloud protocol via Websockets (feeds are listed in a configuration file)
The contents of the feeds in the configuration file are displayed when the user accesses the page (so they can see what has been posted recently), then any posts with the tool appear at the top of the page
The tool is set up for a single user and requires some configuration. Please consult the README on the Github repo for more information if you want to set up the tool for yourself.
The demo app is available at The contents of the feeds in the configuration file are displayed, along with any recent posts using the demo app. I encourage people to try making posts and see how they appear and how quickly they appear. As posts continue, so will display of updates to the RSS feeds in the configuration file.
This is a proof of concept, but will be further developed. If you find problems in the tool, or want to suggest features, feel free to create an issue in the Github repo. Also, I would love it if a few other people try installing it and let me know how it goes…
Yesterday, I mentioned that I was working on a blog tool not ready to show off yet. Since then, I thought I should follow Colin Walker’s lead in describing some of what I am developing. The working title is MyStatusTool, you can think of it as “Twitter using rssCloud”. The minimum functionality I am working toward is to have a text box to enter a short post, to create a RSS feed based on the posts, for each post to have a page, to ping a rssCloud server when a post is live, to have the posts be displayed in reverse-chronological order, and to display posts from other tools that create RSS feeds supporting rssCloud. This pretty much describes the “Read user feeds…” functionality in FeedLand (link works if you have a FeedLand account). You can also think of the Twitter web user interface as an example. I will probably create a temp Github repo soon to start putting the app under version control. Stay tuned for more updates!
Got some good traction on Hacker News for my post on rssCloud, there were a number of good comments, I added some replies.
This is an attempt to capture some work/events I have been involved with over the last few weeks regarding the rssCloud protocol. I hope this will provide some insights into software development and technical communication, and will be of use to others using the rssCloud protocol. I hope it will also demonstrate that it can be difficult to identify/isolate problems between multiple apps/web services/web sites, and that all involved in the discussion should adopt a mindset of “follow the data” and be open to input from others.
rssCloud is a notification protocol that uses a “cloud” element in a RSS feed. This element contains information on a cloud server that is supporting this feed. A feed reader app can read the RSS feed and register with the server listed in the cloud element to be notified when the feed updates. The producer of the RSS feed can then “ping” the server to let it know that updates are available, and the server can inform apps that registered that feed that updates are available. The cloud element was included in version 2.0 of the RSS specification.
The protocol has been supported in the blogging tools that Dave Winer developed since 2001 (Radio Userland (feed reader/blogging) and Manila (blogging)). Since that time, several other tools added support for adding the cloud element to RSS feeds (Django, Perl XML-RSS, and syndic-rss2). In 2009, Matt Mullenweg announced that blogs would support rssCloud, and that a plugin would be available for blogs. A unique feature of the WordPress implementation is that the WordPress blog itself is the cloud server. A result of this was that a user did not have to find a rssCloud server for their feed to reference – their own site could handle feed registrations and notifications to feed reader apps. This created a supply of literally millions of weblogs that could support quick notifications to their readers if their reading app supported the use of rssCloud. However, for the most part, only feed readers and apps developed by Dave Winer supported the protocol (River2 (OPML Editor app), River4 and River5 (Node.js apps), Radio3 (Node.js) and now FeedLand (Node.js)).
Some users noted issues with rssCloud support back in 2009 as rolled out its rssCloud support. One of the posts from this period highlighted the problems with registering an application with the rssCloud server associated with the blog. I began looking at rssCloud in 2015 and 2016 with limited success, and tried to develop a separate plugin, but had issues. I have been aware for several years that there were problems with River5 working with blogs and blogs in terms of rssCloud support, but I did not have the Node.js knowledge to adequately figure out the issue.
After the rollout of FeedLand (Dave Winer’s latest feed application), a user, Colin Walker, started asking questions about rssCloud so that he could support it in his custom blog/reader application, and Dave Winer said he wanted people to ask questions about rssCloud, so I thought this was the right time to bring up the problem and document it to the best of my ability. I also tried to not say that it was a FeedLand problem, but to me the end result was that FeedLand was not doing what wanted to support rssCloud. Since Joseph Scott indicated that the implementation would not be changing, it was FeedLand that had to change (and other rssCloud apps that might want to say that they work with blogs). I didn’t get much, if any, credit for bringing this up, but I did identify the problem and tried to provide the level of info that Dave Winer seems to want/need before looking into a problem. During the investigation, Andrew Shell determined that the WordPress cloud server would only respond to requests from ports 80, 443, and 8080. This fact alone would be a valid explanation of why River5 (which ran on a default port of 1337) would not be able to register with a WordPress site or get notifications. However, this was not documented in any of the WordPress posts listed above regarding rollout of RSS Cloud support.
Dave Winer then published a reference app for testing rssCloud implementations ( I tried to comment on the reallySimple repo, but I saw this:
I checked, and saw that Github does have moderation features which allow repo owners to block people. I assume this is what has happened. I am also going to assume that this is from my comment on the earlier Github thread where I called out Dave’s negative request for help with rssCloud issues. Being his repo, he can do what he wants. However, to me that does not give the impression that Dave is open to feedback, even though he asked for feedback at the top of the issue (I guess it was just my feedback he did not want). I later checked and saw that I saw the same response on other repos within, so I assume I am blocked from all of those repos.
This is not the first time I have identified problems in how Dave Winer approaches comments about him or his products. I know he has “guidelines” to handle feedback, and that is his right. At this time in my life (I turned 60 earlier this year, I know Dave is 67-68), I tend more to “call it like I see it” in as factual a manner as I can. If that is what Dave Winer thinks of as “trolls, spammers, and abusers“, I can’t do anything about that. However, I don’t think I fit into any of those categories.
With the help of Andrew Shell, Dave Winer was able to update FeedLand so that it supports display of and blog posts in near-real-time. I am seeing some RSS feed caching issues with WordPress, which I am continuing to document on a Github gist thread. Joseph Scott of Automattic has been very helpful with ideas. I was able to demonstrate that the new version of the rssCloud plugin (0.5.0) supported registration and notification with FeedLand, but subsequent tests with test scripts are showing the RSS feed caching problem I saw last week.
I have a rssCloud project in mind that I would like to develop, but I want all WordPress users to be able to take advantage of rssCloud. Hopefully, this will become a reality soon.