LWN.net: Notes on Emacs Org Mode by Jake Edge – Briefly talks about using Org Mode for lists and todos, and discusses the Babel and org-roam extensions.
There are 206 posts filed in Micro.Blog (this is page 13 of 21).
Maryanne Wachter: How I Org – Examples of Emacs configuration and several examples of how the author uses Org/Emacs (via Sacha Chua)
Fedora Magazine: “This is an article about my journey to finding and configuring Emacs as a writer’s text editor and the results of my journey.” – A gentle introduction to how the author started using Emacs and an overview of features. (via Sacha Chua)
Github/James Gill: Writing with Emacs – “Emacs has a long history of being used for writing prose, blog posts, technical books, novels, and more. Here are some first-hand experiences you might find useful, whether you’re new to Emacs or just looking for ideas to customize your current Emacs configuration.” (via Sacha Chua)
Greg Wilson/The Third Bit: The First Six Questions – Greg Wilson continues to explore ways to teach the social sciences, interesting reading
Sacha Chua: Emacs tweaks: Choosing what to hack on – I liked this post a lot, showing Sacha’s process for working on her Emacs setup, and providing some insight on hacking in general.
New York Magazine: Do You Remember the Ecstasy of Electing Joe Biden? How the coalition that defeated Donald Trump crumbled. – I don’t agree with the title of this post. I think that coalitions can be rebuilt to keep Trump out of the Oval Office, but there has been some “splintering” since January 2021.
OpenRss.com: Bluesky has launched RSS feeds – hmm, seems like old news, I wrote about it on December 22, 2023, but there is some screen captures on discovering the feed URL, and notes on how links are not embedded in the full text of the feed.
John Johnston: iPod podcasting nostalgia – John found an old iPod with a recording device that he used to make podcasts some time ago – and he made a podcast with it just this week – neat!