Test-Driven Development with Python: Book on using TDD for Django development (there is a link to read online for free!), Selenium is used for browser testing.
OpenSource.com: New Linux distro for digital artists
Linux Journal: Linux Gets Loud – Overview of music apps available on Linux
Bryan Alexander: I Defy The World and Go Back to RSS – Bryan describes how he return to using a RSS reader (although he describes the Digg Reader, which has shut down). I use River5 from Dave Winer with a single page app for reading my feeds.
In These Times: How Portland Occupiers Shut Down ICE
Aaron Davis: Laying the standards for a blogging renaissance – Chris Aldrich also replies
Without Bullshit: Taming your writing process in three steps (infographic)
Without Bullshit: Fat outlines help you write without anxiety
Without Bullshit: Why is writing sometimes so hard, and sometimes so easy? Practice can help….
Without Bullshit: Four steps that allow you to write in flow – Research, Organize, Write, Revise