The focus of this article is a subject I’ve been fascinated with for a long time. What started as a simple Email Friday Newsletter topic, transformed into what you see here; far too long for an email. “Knowledge Processing.” Or PKM. PKM = Personal Knowledge Management. PKM is a systems approach to dealing with the …
How do consumers protect themselves from surveillance and start to restore some semblance of privacy? Services like Google and Facebook have many settings where you can limit your privacy exposure. This article doesn’t cover those, however, as much already has been written about that. What follows is more like what Doc Searls calls a “wizard kit” of various open-source technologies that I have adopted and customized over the years to protect my own privacy.
A lot of good tips for protecting your privacy.
Read: How I’m able to take notes in mathematics lectures using LaTeX and Vim
I started using LaTeX to write lecture notes in the second semester of my bachelor in mathematics, and I’ve been using it ever since, which makes for a total of more than 1700 pages of notes. To give you an idea of what those notes look like, here are some examples:
I think it is amazing that someone could take math notes using a computer – wow!
Read: Jimmy Carter Lives Modestly
Read: Microsoft open sources Calculator source code
The actual calculation engine is more than 20 years old.
Read: The Inform Act
The power of cleaning up your kanban backlog
Read: Austin and Lockhart, Texas: 10 barbecue restaurants in 72 hours
On a recent business trip to Austin I resolved to consume 100 percent of my calories at barbecue restaurants.
The trip started with an Uber ride from the airport (the city’s license raj effectively outlawed Uber, but the state legislature brought them back). Traffic was horrific reverse-commuting …
Appcasting: A Definition
What do you call the distribution of audio content through a paywall or app? Appcasting.
Simple, easy to understand, right?
This is my response to Dave Winer’s podcast definition and followup podcast on this topic. Ken Smith eloquently describes the downsides/fallout of a move to appcasting.
Thoughts/opinions? Let’s hear from you!
We need to use more potent words than words like do something. We need some particular ideas, some actual knowledge, not just ideas about climate change but, with the same urgency, ideas about activism. How it really works.