Interesting  news reading workflow from Frank McPherson:

@brentsimmons I use River5 and when I find something I want to read I send it to Radio3 to add it to an RSS feed that is monitored by IFTTT to add to Instapaper. Basically it’s my replacement for Radio Userland. I am nervous about being dependent on Dave to keep Radio3 running.

Read IndieWeb Plugins and WordPress 101
Via Chris Aldrich, this is a nice summary of most of the available Indieweb plugins for WordPress. I am also a WordPress user and not looking to change, and I am very happy that there are developers helping WordPress users easily participate in the Indieweb.

Continuing experiments with bookmarklets and mobile posting

Today I tried to set up the Post Kinds bookmarklet from Chris Aldrich’s great overview post on this topic. I decided to use the Brave web browser on my laptop, and it worked just fine, I then tried to set up Sync on the laptop with Brave on my phone. The steps on the instructions appeared to work, but syncing only seemed to work from mobile to laptop. I found a long support post about problems with Brave Sync, so decided to try something else (I may still try to create the bookmarklet on my phone at some point).

In the Chris Aldrich post, he referred to a helper app called URL Forwarder (for Android). I installed that and followed the setup from Chris’s post for creating a bookmark post with PostKinds, and that worked! I was able to share a URL with the app, which then brought up a new tab to post that bookmark on my WordPress site. Nice! Now I can clear all those open tabs on my mobile browser and not lose the links…


Trying out bookmarklets to post to WordPress

I have been interested in using bookmarklets to post to my WordPress site. This Chris Aldrich article interested me enough that I was willing to do something about it. First, I had to figure out what was the correct “Press This” plugin from WordPress (it is here) and install that. Next, I decided to also install the Indieweb Press This plugin (found here). After installing both of those, I went to the Tools menu from my WordPress dashboard, then selected the Available Tools menu. I then saw entries for PressThis and IndieWeb Press This.

I then dragged the Press This bookmarklet into my browser bookmarks bar and was able to create this post.

Next, I used the bookmarklet from the Chris Aldrich article above. I edited the example bookmarklet code to replace with my website name, then dragged his sample  bookmarklet to the browser bookmarks bar, then edited the bookmark and pasted my modified code, then was able to create this post.

Next steps – try to get this working on mobile!

Today I learned that if you hover over the total number of emails in your Gmail inbox, you can select to go to the oldest entry in the inbox. Neat!

Starting off the year 2020 – My Three Words

As I came to work this morning, I began to think about how to start the New Year. Over the Christmas break, I did some listening/reading at Sean McCabe’s website on writing (It All Starts With Writing, podcast episodes 39, 139, 303). I would like to do more writing in 2020. I also listened to an Akimbo episode on “showing your work“. Harold Jarche (Seek-Sense-Share) and Dave Winer (Narrate Your Work) are other views on this topic.

Other thoughts that I had:

  • If you keep doing the same things, you will get the same results
  • Failing to plan means planning to fail

After this reflection, I think the three words I would like to guide my year (following Ron Chester’s example) is – Read Write Help.