Bookmarked Fraidy Cat, a New RSS Reader by Ton Zijlstra (

A few weeks ago Kicks Condor released a major update of his Fraidycat feed reader. Like Kick Consor’s blog itself, Fraidycat has a distinct personality.
Key with Fraidycat is that it aims to break the ‘never ending timeline’ type of reading content that the silos so favour to keep you scrollin…

Ton Zylstra reviews the Fraidy Cat RSS reader from Kicks Condor.

Bookmarked Former CDC director: There’s a long war ahead and our Covid-19 response must adapt (CNN)

Different times call for different measures. When Covid-19 hit China, I was concerned, as were many public health professionals, about what could happen and urged rapid action to understand more and prepare. But few of us anticipated the catastrophic impact the new virus has had in Wuhan, in Italy and may soon have in many other places.

The adaptive response chart in this article is excellent – we have a long way to go…


Episode 3 of Convocast is here – check it out! I talk about ways to help collect and share information, and ways to automatically post to other sites and social media.

Bookmarked The Ladder of Freedom – I Will Teach You To Be Rich (I Will Teach You To Be Rich)

I was walking home from the gym in NYC and I had to stop and take a video of this.  I call it HELLSCAPE ON EARTH. Watch the entire video here Looking at this building full of people working at … Continued

This is a great article for stretching the boundaries of what I think being rich could be about.