Bookmarked The Ten Weeks That Lost the War: A Timeline of How Trump Lied, Bungled and Screwed America in the COVID-19 Crisis – The Bulwark,The Ten Weeks That Lost the War: A Timeline of How Trump Lied, Bungled and Screwed America in the COVID-19 Crisis (The Bulwark)

In the social media fog of war it can be easy to lose the thread as to just how the COVID-19 crisis came to our shores and what the Trump administration did and didn’t do to respond. This timeline provides a look at the key inflection points in the crucial ten-week period where the United […],In the social media fog of war it can be easy to lose the thread as to just how the COVID-19 crisis came to our shores and what the Trump administration did and didn’t do to respond. This timeline provides…

An awesome documented timeline of the mis-steps of the Trump administration on COVID-19!

Bookmarked The Technium: 68 Bits of Unsolicited Advice (
Some good advice from Kevin Kelly:

It’s my birthday. I’m 68. I feel like pulling up a rocking chair and dispensing advice to the young ‘uns. Here are 68 pithy bits of unsolicited advice which I offer as my birthday present to all of you.


Takeaway: work constantly to create alliances with others

Bookmarked The bootstrapper creates value (Seth's Blog)

The times are nothing remotely like that any of us would have predicted just a few months ago. And many of the institutions and jobs we depended on have changed, perhaps for a long time to come. It…

If you stay focused on creating value (easiest way to do this is to save the user time), you can get ahead/make progress.

The Lysol President

Soon to be overheard on some news network:

Yes, I am “The Lysol President”. If that is too much to remember, just call me by my nickname – Lys – that’s pronounced “Lies”….