This week, I spent some time working to understand how to use the Mocha testing tool and the Chai assertion tool in developing apps using Node.js. I found two articles that I was going to use to get started, and I decided to set up my package.json file to use the latest version of the tools. What I found was that I could not use the example code in the two articles, and kept getting error messages that I could not find answers for, except that several people recommended using an older version of the Chai assertion tool. I took a look at the Chai website releases page, and found that in version 5, only ECMAScript Modules were supported. Previously, ECMAScript Modules and CommonJS Modules were allowed. However, this change meant that I would have to change the example code I was using to run the latest version of Chai. I tried numerous combinations of changes, but none were totally successful. After an hour of trial and error, I decided to reinstall version 4.3.7 of Chai in my test project, and everything now worked as I expected. UGH! Onward!
Announcing the Kamala Campaign Timeline site
When Joe Biden dropped out of the presidential race and threw his support to Kamala Harris, I wanted to capture the day to day events of the campaign. After some review, I decided to use the static timeline generator site template developed by Molly White, which I had used for a site on tracking “Return to Office” news.
The site is called – check it out!
Oliver Willis, in a recent Substack post, goes into further details on Sources Go Direct, and how the Harris campaign is doing this (via Dave Winer). The last paragraph is the best:
Frankly, the relationship between Trump and the press, which follows in the footsteps of the relationship George W. Bush and Dick Cheney had with many of the same outlets, shows that you can just wait them out. Like a toddler who has a tantrum, let them complain and bellow and fume, and then they will lose interest. They are attracted to shiny, loud objects, not substance, and by generating her own heat, Harris can do what’s best for the people, not the elites who ultimately do not care about our well-being at all.
Doug Muder of The Weekly Sift makes excellent points about how the mainstream media wants access to Harris so they can tear her down. It makes total sense that she is “going direct” with her message. Trump gets a pass with the mainstream media for having two incoherent “media availability” sessions – why bother with the press?
I like how Manuel Moreale makes the distinction between hobbies, side projects, and money (hobby is for yourself, a side project can turn into a money thing). My web development is definitely in the hobby department!
Ramblin’ “In The Car Podcast”
A 12-13 minute rambler, here are links to sites mentioned: (not live yet)
Molly’s timeline site template
Steve Tockey/Construx Software
Newer model-based development project for Javascript
Older model-based development project for Javascript
Making your own media
A few days ago, Dave Winer talked about “making your own media”, meaning that individuals could create lists of sources and distribute them. Dave called for Democratic podcasts, but he has a podcast “river of news” site with multiple podcasts. I thought – why not create a river of news site for some other list of sources as an example?
I recently became aware of a blogging challenge called Blaugust (during the month of August, natch!). On their media page, they had a link to an OPML file of all the participants. I copied that file, added it to my River5 subscription list, and created a river of news site for that list of bloggers. I have instructions on how to do this for yourself – so get busy!
For the record, I have added a link to my OPML feed list in the Links section of my navigation bar (My Blogroll/Feed List). However, I had to add a Links block in my list of widgets before I could see it – grrr!
These posts by Joyce Vance (don’t jump to conclusions) and Manton Reece (saying that Trump is a threat to democracy is not a call for violence) sum up my opinion of the events at the Trump rally in Pennsylvania on July 13th. Manton’s comment on Joe Biden’s speech this evening is also aligned with what I think (good speech).
Ohio Capital Journal: Advocates concerned with Ohio’s mass voter purge set to remove 500 people experiencing homelessness (via Election Law Blog)