Update: I figured out that Gary Teter’s post I referenced on December 10 was not deleted from the FeedLand user view, so looks like it was my post that brought in the comment guidelines. I apologize for the error.
An unfortunate exercise of editorial discretion by Dave Winer?
Update: I figured out that Gary Teter’s post I referenced on December 10 was not deleted from the FeedLand user view, so looks like it was my post that brought in the comment guidelines. I apologize for the error.
I have been following the development of FeedLand, a new feed reader application from Dave Winer. I have used many of the tools that Dave has developed over the years. One cost of using his tools is figuring out how to navigate a web of sometimes unclear expectations on support forums/repos. For the Drummer application, it was made clear that problems related to Drummer were acceptable, but that was about all that was allowed.
Recently, Dave Winer added two new features to FeedLand – a way for a user to make short posts and create a RSS feed, and a collected view/river of user posts. I took a look at the feature yesterday, and decided to make a short post comparing this experience in FeedLand to an app I use for reading posts by Drummer users who blog using the Old School blogging tool. Here is the text of the post:
In response to Ken Smith’s comment on the Read user feeds feature in FeedLand, this is the sense of community that the Old School Drummers river has as well. However, with the ability to post new items as you read them, thee feedback loop tightens…which is a good thing…which is like Twitter/Mastodon…hmmmm…
Post on FeedLand feed
A little later, I decided to check to see if anyone had responded. What I found was my post in the user post view was deleted (the post was still present in my RSS feed), and this post was now at the top of the view:
I should’ve done this from the start, but I didn’t want to start off on a negative note. I’ve been hosting discussion groups on the net since the beginning and these days spam and abuse start pretty soon, and there’s no negotiating with it, you need clear rules and no tolerance.
So you have to have a policy ready, and I do — they’re called the Comment Guidelines, and they apply here. They’re easy to follow for most people, and we need them to protect against spam and abuse.
I’ll include a customized version in the Docs menu, soon. 😉
Wow (I thought to myself)! What was wrong with this? I decided to sleep on it and approach it fresh in the morning. I read through the “Comment Guidelines”, I think my item fell in the “No Spam” category (It’s not a place for you to promote your products, services, blog, initiatives, political causes. Don’t post spam. ) and the “No blog posts” category (2 sentences could be a blog post, I guess). Later this morning, I saw a post by Gary Teter that it appeared he had also fallen prey to deletion:
Apparently FeedLand’s “my feed” isn’t actually my feed, and is intended just for making comments about FeedLand. So I guess I will have to come up with some other way to make quick posts to the blog part from my phone. Disappointed.
As a proud union member who does not cross picket lines, turning off the New York Times feeds at the root level of FeedLand feels like the Musk approach. Unsubscribing from them on your own feed seems better to me. If there’s a social aspect to using FeedLand, it is users following each other’s curation judgments. Not the owner of the platform using the platform itself to express personal judgments.
It appears that the second paragraph of this quote was the offending post.
So – where was the guidance of what to post and what not to post? I looked at the FeedLand Change Notes blog, and found the post on creating a user RSS feed and the first post on the User Feed View feature. There was where I found the key phrase:
The rules of decorum apply here. There will be ways to block people, that’s inevitable. Feel free to discuss the product. Do not get personal, do not give anyone orders. Remember we’re here to have fun and make something new!
from FeedLand Change notes blog
So – read between the lines – this “user feed view” is a Dave Winer site, and is governed by the comment guidelines for his regular blog. I think Gary Teter said it best:
Apparently FeedLand’s “my feed” isn’t actually my feed, and is intended just for making comments about FeedLand. …Disappointed.
Apparently Gary Teter has also fallen prey to deletion in FeedLand…
Lazyweb request – does anyone know of other feed readers besides FeedLand and River5 that support the rssCloud protocol? I am trying to collect data regarding the WordPress rssCloud implementation. Thanks.
I have been collaborating with Andrew Shell on the WordPress.com rssCloud issue. Andrew added a note to my support forum post that WordPress.com and the RSS Cloud plugin only accept aggregators running on port 80, 443, and 8080. I have confirmed that the RSS Cloud plugin will accept a registration from an app running on ports 443 and 8080 and provide the correct rssCloud response when the source feed updates. Andrew will be contacting Joseph Scott (plugin developer) at Automattic with this information.
RSS Cloud support in WordPress.com not working
UPDATE: Here is the link to the support forum post I made at WordPress.com
This text is reposted from my test WordPress.com site:
I am doing some testing of the RSS Cloud protocol (http://home.rsscloud.co/) in WordPress.com (https://wordpress.com/support/rsscloud/, https://wordpress.com/blog/2009/09/07/rss-in-the-clouds/) . I think there is a problem in the implementation, here is my bug report.
What I did:
1. Created a test WordPress.com site ( https://rsscloud4.wordpress.com), checked the feed (https://rsscloud4.wordpress.com/feed/), made sure that the rssCloud element was present.
2. Subscribed to the site in FeedLand (http://feedland.org/) (best RSS reader for RSS Cloud support)
3. Reviewed Joseph Scott original blog post on rssCloud support in WP and using WP plugin https://blog.josephscott.org/2009/09/07/rsscloud-for-wordpress/
4. Modified my rssCloud test script (https://gist.github.com/andysylvester/d41a6ee6b3a7d0860c039ccbe3c6147f) for Node.js RSS Cloud server (http://rpc.rsscloud.io:5337/) to access the RSS Cloud setup for my site (https://rsscloud4.wordpress.com)
a. var urlRssCloudServer = “https://rsscloud4.wordpress.com/?rsscloud=notify“;
b. var urlHackerNews = “https://rsscloud4.wordpress.com/feed/“
5. Modified function pleaseNotify to display the text of the response from the rssCloud server (my WordPress.com site).
What I saw:
1. Ran the test script (node testscript.js), got the following response:
root@AndyDO-03:~/rssCloudSimple# node rssCloudTestOriginal05.js
testRssCloud v0.40 running on port 2222.
response: == <?xml version=’1.0′?>
<notifyResult success=’false’ msg=’Error testing notification URL : A valid URL was not provided.’ />
pleaseNotify: success == undefined, msg == “undefined”
2. Made a post (https://rsscloud4.wordpress.com/2022/12/04/test-post-007/) at 2:18 pm, no response to my test script.
3. Checked in FeedLand for new item, did not see it until 2:28pm (10 minutes later). In testing of other tools creating RSS feeds with rssCloud support, the item would appear in FeedLand within a few seconds. I have noticed that feed readers seem to take up to 30 minutes to detect that there has been a change in a RSS feed from WordPress.com or WordPress.org sites.
What I expected:
1. My script would get a notification that the registration was successful.
2. My script would get a notification from the WordPress.com site when a new post was made.
3. A new post from my WordPress.com site would appear within a few seconds in FeedLand, since I had seen this behavior for other tools creating RSS feeds with rssCloud support
I did some searching on rssCloud problems with WordPress.com/WordPress.org, and found this post from 2009 (http://www.xn--8ws00zhy3a.com/blog/2009/10/rss-cloud-fail) which described issues with notification URLs:
“Still, we were getting somewhere. There were only two remaining unexplained failures. These were WordPress feeds that were somehow failing to connect to my notification URL. Eventually, after digging through various releases of the WordPress source code, I discovered that these servers were actually running a buggy, older version of the WordPress plugin. Regardless of what the client specified, this version of the plugin would always attempt connections on port 80. “
My app is running on port 2222, the notification URL that the WordPress.com site should be trying to contact is http://fedwiki.andysylvester.com:2222/feedupdated. Could someone shed some light on this? Thanks.
Did a test of feedToMasto app from Dave Winer, it worked!
Lazyweb request – I am trying to make sure WordPress is not caching RSS feeds, I tried these things but it did not work. WordPress devs, please get in touch if you have any ideas! I am trying to test a RSS Cloud plugin I developed.
Feedback on my zettelkasten experiment
I have decided to slow down my updates on this project, but I do have a few observations. Adding links to the OPML file was pretty easy in Drummer. I missed adding tags to some links, but will make a sweep of the over the next week. I did some re-arranging of categories, as well as added a lot of categories after the start. In the rendered file, I noticed (as well as a reader) that all the entries are fully expanded. I may experiment with trying to flatten the categories. Also, I have not explored using XSLT style sheets to render the OPML file. Still, my biggest benefit so far is that I am now entering links into the OPML file that I would have pasted in some other file, and they are categorized, which helps in navigation.
My Hugo-based zettelkasten site is lagging in updates. I chose to create a single Markdown file for each entry, and I found that it was a significant amount of typing, even though I was starting with text from the OPML file. My favorite feature of the site is being able to view links by tag. I will continue working to get this caught up with the OPML zettelkasten.
Final note: there are lots of good tools out there, this is what I chose to start with, so far it is working for me!