I was able to add another 10 links today to my ZK file (mostly taken from yesterday’s posts – it was EASY to copy outline headlines from other OPML files in the Drummer editor). I then had enough subject headings that I decided to re-arrange the order to be alphabetical. Of course, this was EASY in the Drummer outliner, so yay for that too. Just a note to pass on – the little orange XML icon in the upper right corner of the ZK page shows the raw OPML of the file.
I was able to make progress on the Markdown front, in that I FINALLY got the Hugo static site generator to render a site for the theme I wanted to use. Yesterday, I was struggling with configuration files and setup, and then found this page from Bryce Wray acknowledging that the Hugo Quick Start page needs some updates (at least for Windows users like me – YESSSS!). Also, I became aware of the fact that many Hugo themes have an “exampleSite” folder built in the theme directory, and I found a post from Infinite Ink describing how to get that to render in the Hugo development server (another YESSSS! can you tell I was a little frustrated?). My hope is to have a parallel zettelkasten using Markdown files by the weekend.