Feed Readers
There are 75 posts filed in Feed Readers (this is page 7 of 8).
How the Open Source Bridge River of News app works
Tool list:
- River5 RSS aggregator by Dave Winer
- riverBrowser toolkit by Dave Winer
- TwitRSS.me web service
I wanted to create an app to be able to easily follow news about the conference (see my app at FullBlastNews.com for a more complex example of following multiple RSS feeds). To start, I reviewed the conference presenter list and made a list of the available Twitter handles and weblogURLs. Next, I created lists of the blogs and added it to my River5 installation. River5 is a “river of news” aggregator that allows you to follow multiple RSS or Atom feeds and display them as separate lists or rivers.
I also wanted to create a RSS feed of Twitter posts by the presenters and Twitter posts containing the text “osbridge”. To do this, I used the TwitRSS.me web service. The site allows users to create a URL search for a Twitter handle or a Twitter search. I then took these URLs and added them to separate text files to add to my River5 installation.
After adding the lists to River5, three files were created containing a list of items from the combined RSS feeds. I then used the riverBrowser toolkit single page app to display those files.
- Linux server to run River5
- Web hosting for the single page
I will be at the Open Source Bridge conference – feel free to reach out if you would like to talk about RSS apps, develop something new, or get some help on setting up your own app (tweet me at @AndySylvester99)!
Rocking with River4: Lesson 7 – Using River4 Console With Heroku
Rocking with River4: Lesson 6 – Using Fargo to Create OPML Files for River4
Rocking with River4: Lesson 5 – Keeping River4 Running on Heroku
Rocking with River4: Lesson 4 – River4/Amazon S3/Heroku Setup
- Setting up an account on the Amazon S3 storage service
- DNS setup for domain name
- Github account setup
- River4 setup
- Heroku setup and deploy of the River4 app
Links referred to in the video are listed at the end of this post, after the video.
Amazon Web Services: http://aws.amazon.com
Creating a S3 bucket:
Bucket policies:
Subscription lists:
Example river website: http://rivertest.andysylvester.com/
Rocking with River4: Lesson 3 – Exploring the River4 Console App
My second screencast for River4 feed reader: Lesso…
Testing of riverBrowser release
- My existing rivers using River4 0.108
- Test display of one of my river files with code from riverBrowser release:
- Test display of multiple rivers using HTML from Radio’s Rivers site (http://radio3.io/rivers/) (just replaced river URLs with URLs from my river site)