An excellent presentation from Andrew Shell on improving your personal productivity, I got several good ideas from this, definitely worth your time.

Bookmarked How to Stop File Explorer Sorting by Week and Month (

After the recent update Windows file explorer is now grouping items by day, week and month. I do not want this. I want the old way back please. How do I get rid of this new sorting? I hope this is not

I am really glad I found this! The grouping thing has been irritating me for a long time….

Bookmarked Why You Should Practice Failure (

We learn valuable lessons when we experience failure and setbacks. Most of us wait for those failures to happen to us, however, instead of seeking them out. But deliberately making mistakes can give us the knowledge we need to more easily overcome obstacles in the future.
We learn from our mistakes….

Bookmarked Make Boring Plans – Camille Fournier – Medium by Camille Fournier (Medium)

You’re probably familiar with the concept of Choose Boring Technology. If you’re not, I’ll wait for you to read the excellent blog post by Dan McKinley that inspired a much-needed correction in tech…

I like this – it drives home the need for planning to ensure that projects can be completed successfully.

Schedule for my dog Joey (“Mr. President”) for January 21, 2021 (all times PST):

Potty – as needed

6:00am – Feeding, meds

6:15am – Executive time (nap)

8:00am – Morning treat

8:15am – Executive time (nap next to Dad)

12:00pm – Walk with Dad

12:30pm – Executive time (nap on couch)

5:00pm – Dinner, meds

5:30pm – Executive time (nap on couch)

9:00pm – Nighttime treat, enter kennel

9:05pm – End of day


What I liked about the inauguration of Joe Biden

I watched the inaugural activities on CSPAN on January 20th, and I had some thoughts I wanted to share on what I liked about the ceremonies:

The pagentry

The military escort at the arrival of the Bidens at the Capitol, the introduction of guests, the presenting of the colors, presenting the wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier – all of these demonstrated the great pagentry and tradition of this event.

The music

I greatly enjoyed the music of the United States Marine Band at the Capitol, and the other locations where military bands performed. It is fitting that these musical organizations, which have been present for most of the history of the United States of America, were the primary music of choice at the inauguration. As a euphonium player myself, I have performed many of the marches that were heard yesterday. The music brought tears to my eyes again and again.

The oath of office

Although the act of taking the oath of office is simple and short, its meaning is great. My family and I watched both Vice President Harris and President Biden take the oath of office, and we clapped at home for both of them. Again, tears flowed as a new era in American politics began.

“Mr. President”

As Chief Justice John Roberts completed the administering the oath of office to Joe Biden, he was the first to say the words “Mr. President”. Tears flowed down my cheeks. As President Biden was greeted by congressional leaders and military personnel through the day, by news media, by well-wishers, each time I heard the words “Mr. President”, it felt like it meant something again; for me, it had not meant anything for the past four years.

I hope that this event will be a sign of great things to come for the United States of America. I will pray every day that our country can heal from the divisiveness of the past four years and move forward in greatness again.


How some dog owners talk about dog pee activities

When I was walking my dog, I met a person living in our subdivision walking his dog. We talked a little bit, and I said my dog spent a lot of time checking out other dog pee spots. He laughed and said his dog did the same, and he called it “reading his p-mail”. I shared this with my family, and we had a good laugh.

Recently, one of my kids took the dog out for a walk, and when she came back, she said “Joey was replying-to-all on his p-mail!”, which made me laugh…


rssCloud testing – Day 3

Decided to start to try to send a HTTP POST to using the Curl application. I was able to run Curl from the Node.js command prompt window.

After lots of experiments, I came up with the following test command based on the cloud element content of the RSSCloud test site feed:

curl –data “port=80” –data “path=/?rsscloud=notify” –data “protocol=’http-post'” –data “url1=” > test.txt

The resulting text file content (test.txt) was as follows:

<?xml version=’1.0′?>
<notifyResult success=’false’ msg=’Only http-post notifications are supported at this time.’ />

I had tried using “https” in the fields in the test command, but got the same response text as before. I think my next step is to look at the RSSCloud WordPress plugin.


Everything Curl book:

Curl http scripting:

Curl command line command for HTTP POST:

Blog post on release of RSSCloud WordPress plugin (has some example PHP code):

Andrew Shell RSSCloud server docs: