The end of podcasting, chapter 64

My last post in this series was in April 2024, so I have not touched this topic in a while (although I have been writing about podcasting and some issues with WordPress podcast feeds). However, in the November 2024 issue of New York magazine, an article called “How YouTube Ate Podcasting” appeared, which sounds ominous, so let’s check it out…

The pull-quotes seems to be that podcasting is moving from audio to video:

A lot has changed for podcasting in two decades, but one shift is both underrecognized and obvious: It’s not really an audio medium anymore….YouTube, typically known as the go-to platform for video content, has risen to the top as the most popular service used for podcast listening in the U.S….The trend is more pronounced among younger listeners, Edison says, citing research from earlier this year, which found that “84 percent of Gen Z monthly podcast listeners … listen to or watch podcasts with a video component.

So – younger “podcast listeners” are “watching” more “podcasts” instead of “listening” to “podcasts”. I am using “podcasts” in quotes here, because the podcasts in question are YouTube videos. However, they are discoverable in podcast apps like PocketCasts, and there are tutorials for how to construct a RSS feed URL for a YouTube channel.

Maybe part of the problem is in the creation part, says Chuck Shotton (via Dave Winer):

Posting a video to Youtube is infinitely easier for a lot of people than understanding how to publish a podcast. That’s really the gist of it. Any dingdong with a phone camera can be a YouTube star.

So, yes, recording a video and posting it to YouTube is a skill that many people have nowadays -but is that “eating podcasting”? Is that keeping people from creating new audio podcasts? No (using WordPress is pretty simple). Is that preventing people from listening to audio podcasts in the way that they have been? No. Is it providing an easier way for people to monetize their “podcasts” using the tools that YouTube has set up? Ah, now I think we are getting closer to the nut of “How YouTube Ate Podcasting” (see “Money makes the world go ’round“). People who want to make money from podcasts definitely could be moving to YouTube to do this, as well as other services (see chapters 57, 58, and 59). However, I think the thing to do is to make great things and find ways to innovate. Let’s get out there and compete people – come on!

Followup on creating WordPress podcast feeds

In November 2024, I wrote a post about an issue I discovered in trying to create a WordPress category feed for a set of audio posts. The category feed had issues in being recognized by a podcast app. I found that when I set the post type/format as “Audio” in the WordPress editor, the category feed could be recognized by a podcast app.

Last month, I noticed a tweet by Ken Smith that some WordPress themes do not have the support in the editor interface for the post type/format. He linked to a video (shown at the end of this post) showing how to modify WordPress files to add this feature to a theme if not present. I checked some of my older WordPress websites, and found that several of them had this issue. I appreciate Ken bringing this to a wider attention.

Experimenting with manually creating podcast feeds

Earlier this year, Dave Winer began an experiment to create a podcast feed with shownotes for the Morning Coffee Notes podcasts that he created at the beginnings of podcasting in 2004. He created a Node.js app (podcastBuilder) to create the feed and the shownotes, which were in an OPML outline (both data for the feed and the shownotes). The feed is available through Apple Podcasts and, of course, Scripting News.

I was interested in trying this out, but I did not want to fire up the Drummer outliner app to create an OPML file for this app. I then remembered that Dave Winer had another Node package (rss) to create RSS feeds based on JSON data input. After some experimentation, I was able to add elements to the rss package example to create a feed with enclosures and other podcast information like the podcastBuilder app was creating. My manually created feed is hosted here, and three people have managed to load this in a podcast app and listen to the files (audio from Ken Smith’s essays for Michiana Chronicles). If you would like to try it, I have created a Github repo with the Javascript file I used for creating the feed, the output feed from the app, and some simple instructions. Enjoy!

In the US today, the Electoral College is meeting to cast electoral votes for Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. Per CNN, Donald Trump has already received enough votes to win the presidency. I tried to find where the Oregon Electoral College meeting is, but did not find anything. Quite a difference from four years ago, when almost all of the electoral college meetings were televised.

Follow-up on “How to get the Democratic message out there”

Recently, I wrote a post about an idea of trying to get the @kamalahq social media feeds going again. I took the following actions:

  1. Reached out to the communications contact for my county Democratic committee, sent them a pointer to my post, and asked if there was anything the county committee could do to help. The person wrote me back, said they agreed with my post, and added a link to the post in that week’s newsletter. I waited a few days, but did not get any response. I touched base with the county committee person again, the response was “there are some connected people on the mailing list. I have not written back.
  2. I signed up for a trial of LinkedIn Premium to be able to send directly email to Lauren Kopp (head person of @kamalahq feeds), asking if the feeds might be restarting. No response yet (need to remember to cancel my trial….)
  3. Sent email to the digital director for the Oregon Democratic Party, with the same info I sent to the county party committee. No response yet.

What to do next? I will follow up to the state party office (probably should write the top person) and the county committee (maybe the comms person has some other ideas). I am not surprised by the level of response, but perhaps a second try will get a little farther.

Memories of Thanksgiving parades

I was watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade on NBC this morning while preparing for our Thanksgiving meal. There were quite a lot of Broadway show excepts and pop performers, but there were also the marching bands (both high school and college). When I was in band in high school in the 1970s, the comic strip “Funky Winkerbean” had a character who was the band director at Funky’s high school. His name was Harry L. Dinkle, and was a great entertainment to me and several of my band friends. One year, Harry’s band was going to go to the Macy’s parade in New York City. Of course, they had many obstacles to overcome, but my memory is that they made it to New York, although they may have not marched in the parade. The strip author Tom Batiuk also has a page on Harry Dinkle on his website.

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

What a difference 161 votes makes

There is a saying that ” your vote makes a difference” or “every vote is important”. In a Oregon House race that just concluded, every vote was, indeed, important.

This happened to be Oregon House District 22, in which I reside. The incumbent, Republican Tracy Cramer, was being challenged by Democrat Lesly Munoz. On November 5th, initial results showed Cramer leading by over 500 votes. However, as votes continued to be processed, Cramer’s lead narrowed. On November 14th, Munoz took the lead by a single vote.

Oregon is a vote-by-mail state, and in addition, Oregon counts votes mailed that are postmarked by Election Day and received within 8 days after Election Day. As a result, my county (Marion County, Oregon) was still receiving valid votes through November 12, and then was continuing to process ballots after that point. so vote totals kept changing.

After all valid ballots had been counted, there were still over 800 ballots for this House district that needed to be “cured” to be considered valid ballots. In general, this meant that there was a signature verification issue, and the ballots were set aside. Marion County then sent letters to all of those registered voters informing them of the problem and told them they had to go to the county elections office to “cure” their vote by 5pm on November 26th. The campaigns and parties also received lists of these voters, and worked to get these voters to cure their ballots. As of November 25th, there were still over 500 ballots not cured, and the last report from Marion County showed Munoz ahead by 149 votes. The final unofficial tally was released by Marion County around 6:00pm on November 26, with Munoz leading Cramer by 161 votes. Yes, in this race, every vote did make a difference.

Tip for creating a WordPress podcast feed

I have written before about using WordPress to host podcast files, but I have had problems in getting a stock WordPress site to create a feed that loads in a podcast client (like PocketCasts). I decided to look into this yesterday, and figured out that the post format has to be “Audio” (if it is “Standard”, even though the enclosure appears in the feed, the feed will not be recognized in PocketCasts).

I then updated all the posts I have with podcast files to be “Audio”, and created a new category (“In The Car Podcast”), and added that to all the posts. I then was able to create a feed (, and was able to load that feed in PocketCasts – hooray!