Modifying file upload settings for WordPress

In a recent post, I wanted to upload a Stuffit file with a .sitx extension, but had a problem using the upload features in WordPress (error was “file type does not meet security guidelines”). After some searching, I found this article describing how to fix this problem (modifying wp-includes/functions.php to add ‘sitx’ => ‘application/x-stuffit’). Once I updated the file, I was able to upload the Stuffit file successfully.

Fixing the archives link in the Copyblogger theme

After I installed the Copyblogger theme, I noticed that the “Archives” link in the header of the page did not display the archives for my site. I reviewed this article which talks about adding links to the header navigation area, but it did not have any information on my problem. After some searching, I found a comment on the main Copyblogger site which had the details I needed:

  1. Create a page
  2. Enter whatever you want in the title, but do not enter any content
  3. Select “Archives” from the Page Template dropdown menu on the right
  4. Enter “archives” (without the quotes) in the Page Slug field, which is also on the right
  5. Save/publish your page

After following these steps, the archives link worked!