Bookmarked Building a WordPress Theme From Scratch (

I’m a fan of using WordPress to build custom websites. So I’ve decided to start a tutorial series and share how I go about building a theme from scratch. No frameworks or starter themes. The Sketch Sketch of the theme’s design The layout sketch
Before even setting up my development environment I…

via Chris Aldrich

Testing upgrade to WordPress 5.3.2

I was trying to use some IndieWeb plugins (Post Kinds in particular), but had not updated my site in a while (I think I was at 4.7.13). I took a look at Chris Aldrich’s site and saw that he was using WP version 5.3.2, so I decided to make the jump. Overall, the upgrade went smoothly. I downloaded the Classic Editor plugin so that the Post Kinds plugin would work. I was also prompted to update all of my existing IndieWeb plugins. After all of that, I still had some problems with the Post Kinds plugin for the Read post kind (I was not seeing the Post Properties window within the Admin interface. I started to write a Github issue, but then went back to a Chris Aldrich post on the Post Kinds plugin, and saw that I wrote a comment on that post about this problem. Chris replied with a suggestion to  click on the Screen Options tab in the top right hand corner of the admin UI and then check the Response Properties box. That worked!

So far, so good….

Editing Issue in WordPress – Right to Left Text Display

A few weeks ago, I was editing a post in the WordPress Classic Editor (WordPress v4.7.1). After about 2 paragraphs, I accidentally touched the trackpad on my laptop, or did something with the mouse, and then noticed that the editor was behaving strangely. As I was typing, the new text was appearing in a right-to-left direction instead of left-to-right direction.

My first response was to check the INS/DEL keyboard keys, but that did not correct the problem. I then copied the text into a new post, but the problem remained. I then switched from Visual mode to Text mode in the WordPress post editor, and saw some extra elements in the paragraph tag (like the ones in this W3Schools page). When I deleted all the extra text in the paragraph tag, the editor started working as expected again.

Has this ever happened to any other WordPress user? I would like to know….


Read Chris Aldrich by Chris AldrichChris Aldrich

If you missed it, here are slides with links and resources for my IndieWeb and WordPress presentation at WordCamp Riverside 2018. Video coming soon. Thanks to everyone who came and participated. I’m happy to answer any additional questions.
Wow! Audience is fascinated by @ChrisAldrich and his pres…

@Ron @JohnPhilpin this is a test status post from my WordPress blog, see if you can reply to this post in, thanks.

Two new projects

I have put together a draft website for a local non-profit (our local cable access channel), check it out!

Also, I recently passed my Technician license exam, so I am an official radio amateur (call sign KI7ZHS) – woohoo!