Software Development
There are 90 posts filed in Software Development (this is page 7 of 9).
Install notes on and MyWord Editor
- Install separate instances of nodestorage for each app (using different ports), otherwise you will mess up one of the tool outputs.
- The Twitter API setup at has changed a little bit, what used to be called consumer secret and API secret are now part of the API secrets at the top of the page with the secrets info.
If you want to try the installs, go to the following URLs:
- (1999)
- (MyWord Editor)
Read: Implementing h-feed
Read: Unloved patches
For a long time I have admired the WordPress project, for developing such a robust blogging platform that is ultimately open, and free, and anybody can contribute improvements to it. I encourage many of my customers to use WordPress with MarsEdit, because it seems like a “safe bet” going forward. M
Read: jExcel v3: The javascript spreadsheet
Read: Tools are more valuable when they are connected
Jerome Velociter has an interesting riff on how Diaspora, Mastodon and similar decentralised and federated tools are failing their true potential (ht Frank Meeuwsen).
He says that these decentralised federated applications are trying to mimic the existing platforms too much.
They are attempts at reb…
Read: Hypercard at 30
From the archives: Before the World Wide Web did anything, HyperCard did everything.
Read: Banks scramble to fix old systems as IT 'cowboys' ride into sunset
Bill Hinshaw is not a typical 75-year-old. He divides his time between his famil…
Read: The Culture War at the Heart of Open Source
There’s a war going on. When isn’t there a war going on? But I’m not talking about a physical war here: I’m talking about a war over meaning. This particular war is a fight over what “open source” means. Let’s take a few steps back. The Free… | Steve Klabnik | “The most violent element in society is ignorance.” – Emma Goldman
Read: Why open?
I’ve been building open source platforms for my entire career. It has not made me rich. Nonetheless, I’m more committed than ever to openness as an ideology, strategy, and organized response.
It took me years to realize that the startups I founded were more acts of resistance than they were ways to …
Open source is a bottom-up, worker-led movement. The means and outputs of production are available to everybody. I think that’s beautiful – and, in a world where every aspect of our lives has been packaged and monopolized for profit, a powerful force for good.