Getting started again with rssCloud

Andrew Shell contacted me recently to mention that he has his rssCloud server online – nice! rssCloud uses the <cloud> element in RSS 2.0 to connect a loosely-coupled Twitter-like network of people and 140-character status messages. I went through my archives (looks like I last looked at this in 2015 and 2016) and notes, and found that I had a copy of a script (Github Gist link) Dave Winer wrote as a test app in 2015. I uploaded it to my current server, modified it to point to my current domain, and found that it was able to register with the rssCloud server and get updates on the feed listed in the test app – excellent! I plan to review the rssCloud Walkthrough document to guide my next steps.

Resources: – Dave Winer test app for Andrew Shell server – Update on rssCloud server – Running instance of server – Info on rssCloud plugin for WordPress – Current plugin page for rssCloud WordPress plugin – Current SVN repo for rssCloud WordPress plugin – New home page for rssCloud info – Implementers Guide to rssCloud – rssCloud server source code by Andrew Shell – My 2015 post on rssCloud work – My 2016 post on rssCloud work

Creating an aggregator for Portland protest news

Recently, I tried out two tools for creating RSS feeds from Twitter account timelines. My next step was to put this into use for tracking news on a topic. Since I live in the Portland, Oregon area, I thought it would be good to be able to collect Portland protest news from Portland news media, reporters, protest groups, and city/county government into a single easy-to-access source.

My first step was to collect RSS feeds or Twitter handles from news sources. Sadly, the main newspaper in Portland (The Oregonian) does not seem to offer RSS feeds, but I did find some for several other newspapers. What I did find, though, is just about everyone news org is using Twitter to broadcast links to stories. I decided to make TweetsToRss my tool of choice for turning those Twitter timelines into RSS feeds.

Once I had a set of feeds, I made a copy of the single page app for my normal RSS feed reading, and made a few changes to the template. Since I had quite a few feeds, I decided to group them into four categories:

  • News Orgs – Newspapers, TV news
  • Reporters – Reporters from news orgs as well as freelancers and other people covering the protests
  • Groups – Protest groups
  • Government – Portland city government (mayor, city council, police bureau, police union) and Multnomah County government (county sheriff dept)

I then modified my template to add tabs for each of these categories. You can see the result here. I am interested in feedback on the design and in suggestions for additions to the feed list. If you have feedback, send it to andy at andysylvester dot com. Thanks!



Announcing the Media Feed Project

In a recent post, I commented on an idea from Dave Winer on providing a definitive list of RSS feeds for new organizations, and trying to get universities involved. I decided to take some action on my own, and created the Media Feed Project website and Github repo. The content in the OPML files at the Github repo are from my prior work on a news site called If anyone has RSS feed lists for news organizations, I would be interested in getting a copy. Let me know!


How can we work together on the open web and on software development

I have been in several conversations in the last week (voice and email) where the concept of “working together” in software development came up, and several threads emerged:

  • how the original developer doesn’t/shouldn’t have to do everything – others can contribute (to me, a key concept in open source)
  • how interested/engaged users can be an important force in the direction in which a software application or tool goes forward

Dave Winer has written about this many times:

I have tried to follow that second point in several ways:

I am getting ready to start working in the computer music area again after a long absence, and I am reviewing available tools to see if they fit the areas I am interested in. In that way, I am trying to practice the concepts of working together as I have outlined above.

Anyone want to work together with me? Let me know!

A cool River5 trick to update subscription lists

Frank McPherson has created a wiki page on his usage of RSS, which includes River5. One aspect of using River5 is that the default setup is to have subscription lists within the folder where the app resides. On Frank’s wiki page, he gives a tip on how to use an OPML file to refer to another OPML file on a server to update the subscription list. Neat!

Is there a RSS revival going on?

Earlier this week, Taylor Lorenz, staff writer for The Atlantic on Internet culture, posted this on Twitter: (UPDATE 12/17/2018: Twitter post was deleted, here are links to Google search cache and offline copy)

Is there any good way to follow writers on a bunch of diff websites, so anytime they post a story I see a link or something in a single feed?

This resulted in a series of over 40 replies with recommendations for feed reader apps and generally using RSS. I added my own reply for rivers of news.

Next, a post from Cal Newport (saw this via Brad Enslen):

As any serious blog consumer can attest, a carefully curated blog feed, covering niches that matter to your life, can provide substantially more value than the collectivist ping-ponging of likes and memes that make up so much of social media interaction.

Wow! This from a person who acknowledges that he does not participate on social networks, but lets it slip that he uses RSS!

Case in point: I’ve never had a social media account, and yet I constantly enjoy connecting to people, and posting and monitoring information using digital networks.

Finally, Brad Enslen has a series of posts dealing with blogging, social media and RSS:

What do you think?

My rivers of news

Following up on my post yesterday, here are a list of rivers of news that I have created:

  • – An app I put together to display multiple rivers using tabs. Unfortunately, the theme has stopped working in some ways (it won’t jump to sections within the site), but is still a nice app.
  • ReadingList – My main list of sites I follow
  • OpenSourceBridge – A river I built for the 2017 Open Source Bridge conference (article on how I built the site)
  • 1999 Bloggers – A river of people using the 1999 blogging tool by Dave Winer


Creating and Displaying Rivers of News

I wrote a post several years ago on this topic, but decided to refresh it since some of the links don’t work any more…and also because I am setting up a new river for Ron Chester….

In the same vein as “own your data” or “supporting the open web”, it’s important for users to be able to set up their own tools for collecting/reading information on the Web, and not be dependent on other people’s tools. Having said that, I have been happy to provide a river resource for the 1999er community ( This post will help you to do the same for any blogs/feeds that you are interested in following.

There are two pieces to the river resource given above:

1. A installation of the River5 RSS aggregator running on a server

2. An HTML page that displays a river or rivers created by River5

At the River5 Github site (, there are several tutorials in the site wiki on installing River5:

Another option is to buy my book on setting up an Ubuntu server on Amazon Web Services (the last chapter shows how to set up River5)….

Once you have River5 set up on a public server and creating river files (Javascript files that can be read/displayed by other applications (for example, 1999bloggers.js)), you have some options for being able to display those files. When River5 is running, you can direct people to the public display of the rivers being created. An example can be seen at, which is my main River5 installation. This install is creating multiple rivers, which are displayed in multiple tabs. If you only had one river, you would see only one tab.

Another option for making your river public without pointing to the River5 app display is to use a separate HTML page that accesses the river files. Dave Winer has created a toolkit for display of River5 river files ( To test the app, copy two files from the repo (frozenriver.js and riverbrowserdemo.html) to a directory on a web server. You should then see the contents of the frozen river file as shown in Dave Winer’s demo app.

To set up your own public display of a River5 river, make a copy of the riverbrowserdemo.html file. Next, edit the file and find the line with the phrase “httpGetRiver”. It should look like this:

httpGetRiver(“frozenriver.js”, “idRiverDisplay”, function (){

Next, you will be replacing the text “frozenriver.js” with a URL to a list in your River5 installation. For example, I have a file called readinglist.txt, which contains a list of over 40 RSS feeds that I follow. When your River5 installation is running, you can feed a URL corresponding to a River5 list of feeds that you have created. The following is the line of Javascript from above with the URL for readinglist.txt from my server:

httpGetRiver (“”, “idRiverDisplay”, function (){

For your setup, replace the URL part ( with the URL  for your River5 server, and replace the text following “fname=” (readinglist.txt) with the name of your file in the lists folder within your River5 installation.  Finally, upload the HTML file to a server. As long as the River5 server is running, your HTML page will display the latest version of the river. An example is available at

OK – now get started making rivers!