Bookmarked The Ten Weeks That Lost the War: A Timeline of How Trump Lied, Bungled and Screwed America in the COVID-19 Crisis – The Bulwark,The Ten Weeks That Lost the War: A Timeline of How Trump Lied, Bungled and Screwed America in the COVID-19 Crisis (The Bulwark)

In the social media fog of war it can be easy to lose the thread as to just how the COVID-19 crisis came to our shores and what the Trump administration did and didn’t do to respond. This timeline provides a look at the key inflection points in the crucial ten-week period where the United […],In the social media fog of war it can be easy to lose the thread as to just how the COVID-19 crisis came to our shores and what the Trump administration did and didn’t do to respond. This timeline provides…

An awesome documented timeline of the mis-steps of the Trump administration on COVID-19!


Takeaway: work constantly to create alliances with others

The Lysol President

Soon to be overheard on some news network:

Yes, I am “The Lysol President”. If that is too much to remember, just call me by my nickname – Lys – that’s pronounced “Lies”….


Bookmarked Open Source Tools From the Warren for President Tech Team (

We are so grateful for the hundreds of thousands of Warren supporters who used our tools to help our grassroots movement: Thank you.

In our work, we leaned heavily on open source technology — and want to contribute back to that community. So today we’re taking the important step of open-sourcing some of the most important projects of the Elizabeth Warren campaign for anyone to use.

Our hope is that other Democratic candidates and progressive causes will use the ideas and code we developed to run stronger campaigns and help Democrats win.