MusicXML – granddaddy of them all (used by Finale, Sibelius, many other music notation software applications)
Collection of formats – Interesting site with extensive collection of formats
Music JSON proposal – GitHub repo with a proposal for notating music in JSON
Using LilyPond as input to Tone.js – Will have to look at this some more…
Musescore – open source music notation program
VexFlow – open source music notation program that uses VexTab as a music notation language
OpenMusic – a visual music composition language, with applications available for Windows, Macintosh, and Linux.
JAMS – JSON Annotated Music Specification Github repo (other docs)
musicxml-interfaces – NPM library for parsing MusicXML to JSON
musicjson – NPM library for converting MusicXML to MusicJSON and back again
W3 Music Notation – community group