Computer music formats

I am trying to collect some information on music formatting languages/tools to assist me in doing some algorithmic music composition.

MusicXML – granddaddy of them all (used by Finale, Sibelius, many other music notation software applications)

Collection of formats – Interesting site with extensive collection of formats

Music JSON proposal – GitHub repo with a proposal for notating music in JSON

Using LilyPond as input to Tone.js – Will have to look at this some more…

Musescore – open source music notation program

VexFlow – open source music notation program that uses VexTab as a music notation language

OpenMusic – a visual music composition language, with applications available for Windows, Macintosh, and Linux.

JAMS – JSON Annotated Music Specification Github repo (other docs)

musicxml-interfaces – NPM library for parsing MusicXML to JSON

musicjson – NPM library for converting MusicXML to MusicJSON and back again

W3 Music Notation – community group

Looking for some music tools to try

I am looking for a music production/DAW tool. I have done some playing around with the Web Audio API (see my series of articles on Theresa’s Sound World, and exploration of the Tone.js library), but found it difficult to use those tools for music composition. Some apps I am going to review (Windows versions) are:

My main interest is in algorithmic composition, so I am hoping to find a tool that can be scripted or programmed, or accept input files generated by a script or program. A tool I once looked at was Pyknon, a Python library for generating MIDI files, in conjunction with the book Music for Geeks and Nerds. If any of my three readers has any suggestions, let me know!


Check out these videos of the theme songs for “The Jeffersons” and “All In The Family”!
Love this song as well!
I love this song!

Sights and sounds of the Christmas season

The choir at my church, Resurrection Catholic Parish in Tualatin, Oregon, sang last week at The Festival of Lights in Portland, Oregon, hosted at The Grotto, a religious community and gardens. We performed a half hour of sacred vocal music at the Grotto Chapel, and it was a wonderful performance!


During the Festival of Lights, the grounds of the Grotto are filled with Christmas lights:

Finally, the choir my wife and I sing in performed at the 5pm Mass on Christmas eve. It is a contemporary group, and I made a recording of one of the prelude songs (What Child is This) performed in a jazz style by a quartet. Enjoy!