The circle of life – squirrel edition

This morning, I was walking my dog, and as we arrived home, I saw a baby squirrel in the grass in front of our home. He was not moving, so after I got my dog inside, I went and checked on the baby. Its head was moving and its eyes were open, but the baby was staying still in the grass. I assumed it had fallen from the trees in the front yard.

My wife and I checked on some animal rescue groups, and found one that was open (on Labor Day!). I called, and they said they would take the squirrel. The volunteer also gave me a summary of general things to do, and that the best solution was if the baby’s parents would come to take care of the squirrel. I checked on the baby, it had moved further into the grass, and was making little squeaks. I went inside and got a box ready, then went outside to get the baby, but it was no longer visible. I paused and listened to see if I could hear any squeaks. What I heard was the chattering of an adult squirrel, and I wondered if another squirrel had come to take care of the baby. The adult squirrel then ran to a bush underneath the tree, and I then heard some little squeaks. The baby squirrel was near the base of the bush – to me, the adult squirrel must have picked it up and put it there, and was watching from the tree when I came out again to look for the baby.

After a few seconds, the adult squirrel picked up the baby by the scruff of its neck, and ran off, running up another tree, then jumping on our courtyard wall, then going into the courtyard. I went inside to tell my wife, and we put off our visit to the rescue center. We will keep an eye on the courtyard to see if anything else develops, but I feel that the squirrels are taking care of their own, and that is a good feeling.