Experimenting with manually creating podcast feeds

Earlier this year, Dave Winer began an experiment to create a podcast feed with shownotes for the Morning Coffee Notes podcasts that he created at the beginnings of podcasting in 2004. He created a Node.js app (podcastBuilder) to create the feed and the shownotes, which were in an OPML outline (both data for the feed and the shownotes). The feed is available through Apple Podcasts and, of course, Scripting News.

I was interested in trying this out, but I did not want to fire up the Drummer outliner app to create an OPML file for this app. I then remembered that Dave Winer had another Node package (rss) to create RSS feeds based on JSON data input. After some experimentation, I was able to add elements to the rss package example to create a feed with enclosures and other podcast information like the podcastBuilder app was creating. My manually created feed is hosted here, and three people have managed to load this in a podcast app and listen to the files (audio from Ken Smith’s essays for Michiana Chronicles). If you would like to try it, I have created a Github repo with the Javascript file I used for creating the feed, the output feed from the app, and some simple instructions. Enjoy!

In the US today, the Electoral College is meeting to cast electoral votes for Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. Per CNN, Donald Trump has already received enough votes to win the presidency. I tried to find where the Oregon Electoral College meeting is, but did not find anything. Quite a difference from four years ago, when almost all of the electoral college meetings were televised.

Follow-up on “How to get the Democratic message out there”

Recently, I wrote a post about an idea of trying to get the @kamalahq social media feeds going again. I took the following actions:

  1. Reached out to the communications contact for my county Democratic committee, sent them a pointer to my post, and asked if there was anything the county committee could do to help. The person wrote me back, said they agreed with my post, and added a link to the post in that week’s newsletter. I waited a few days, but did not get any response. I touched base with the county committee person again, the response was “there are some connected people on the mailing list. I have not written back.
  2. I signed up for a trial of LinkedIn Premium to be able to send directly email to Lauren Kopp (head person of @kamalahq feeds), asking if the feeds might be restarting. No response yet (need to remember to cancel my trial….)
  3. Sent email to the digital director for the Oregon Democratic Party, with the same info I sent to the county party committee. No response yet.

What to do next? I will follow up to the state party office (probably should write the top person) and the county committee (maybe the comms person has some other ideas). I am not surprised by the level of response, but perhaps a second try will get a little farther.