My assessment of the electoral vote count for the 2020 election

I have watched all of today’s electoral count events – many thanks to CSPAN, CNN, and PBS for their coverage (also Twitter and other linked material from Twitter). It has been quite an experience to see our nation’s Capitol building attacked by a mob, and to see the almost total lack of response by law enforcement to this violent attack. I hope that there is some followup investigation to find out why this happened. CNN had a story late Wednesday showing the difference in police response between Wednesday’s mob action and previous Black Lives Matter protests (spoiler: police response was very strong for BLM protests, yet almost non-existent for the mob action)

I am glad to see that the electoral count was able to be completed, and that Vice-President Mike Pence carried out his constitutional duty and did not attempt to veer from that duty. It is the first time during the past four years that I have found something to appreciate about Mike Pence. The Senate speeches during the debate were excellent, the House speeches less so. It was sad that House members continued to object to certificates without Senate concurrence (Georgia, Michigan, Nevada). On the Pennsylvania speeches, it seemed that every House rep from PA spoke – ugh! Enough is enough!

I also created a liveblog of the events, I hope that some of my five readers found it of some value. I felt an obligation for myself to document this event in a journalistic way. It will be a record for years to come. The Little Outliner application worked superbly, and I appreciate all the work that its creator, Dave Winer, has done to make outliners more available to all.

In one of the Senate speeches in the Arizona debate, Oregon Senator Ron Wyden stated that the Senate needed to spend the next two weeks watchdogging Donald Trump. He also mentioned that the National Association of Manufacturers called for the 25th Amendment to be used to remove Donald Trump from office. Via CNN, the House Judiciary Committee Democrats also called for the 25th Amendment to be applied, and Cabinet members are also discussing this. I think it would be in the interest of the nation for Donald Trump to be removed from office to protect our country from any further damage, and this be done by any legal means available.

My hope is that when Joe Biden and Kamala Harris become President and Vice-President, our nation will begin the healing process, and can focus on helping our citizens in this pandemic. Donald Trump has shown no interest in this, resulting in many deaths that could have been avoided. Let us pull together to make this a better nation.

rssCloud testing – Day 2

Based on the day 1 test results, I decided to update my test app to check for my rssCloud website feed and start running it again. Next, I made two new posts and used the ping form at Andrew Shell’s rssCloud server site to inform that server of updates. I was able to see that the server acknowledged the pings, and my test app was notified. For the second test post, I removed the port number from  Andrew Shell’s rssCloud server ping URL in the Settings/Writing menu. However, I did not see any evidence that the rssCloud server received a ping from my WordPress site.

Based on the current results, it seems that my setting of the WordPress Update Settings area in the Settings/Writing is not resulting in pinging the rssCloud server site. If anyone out there has some ideas on how to check this, I would appreciate it (my initial Google searches did not turn up anything helpful).

rssCloud testing – Day 1

I created a test WordPress site and added the rssCloud WordPress plugin. I then added a ping to Andrew Shell’s rssCloud server ( to the Update Services text field in the Writing subsection of the Settings section of the Dashboard. I created a test post, did not see any ping evidence in the rssCloud server log. I then updated the ping URL to remove the trailing slash and created another test post, but again did not see anything in the log.

I also looked at the RSS feeds being properly notified on the rssCloud server (HN News and Dave Winer linkblog) and their <cloud> element is pointing to Andrew Shell’s server. Perhaps my next step will be to modify the WordPress plugin to use that server…we shall see…


Getting started again with rssCloud

Andrew Shell contacted me recently to mention that he has his rssCloud server online – nice! rssCloud uses the <cloud> element in RSS 2.0 to connect a loosely-coupled Twitter-like network of people and 140-character status messages. I went through my archives (looks like I last looked at this in 2015 and 2016) and notes, and found that I had a copy of a script (Github Gist link) Dave Winer wrote as a test app in 2015. I uploaded it to my current server, modified it to point to my current domain, and found that it was able to register with the rssCloud server and get updates on the feed listed in the test app – excellent! I plan to review the rssCloud Walkthrough document to guide my next steps.

Resources: – Dave Winer test app for Andrew Shell server – Update on rssCloud server – Running instance of server – Info on rssCloud plugin for WordPress – Current plugin page for rssCloud WordPress plugin – Current SVN repo for rssCloud WordPress plugin – New home page for rssCloud info – Implementers Guide to rssCloud – rssCloud server source code by Andrew Shell – My 2015 post on rssCloud work – My 2016 post on rssCloud work