Bookmarked Rules of thumb for a 1x developer (

Contents Contents Preamble I have little to say that’s of general value and haven’t found the time to level up My theory of bootstrapping The Rules Meta Rule 1: Rules are good Productivity and learning Rule 2: Most of what I learn is useless outside of its immediate context Rule 3: Focus “lear…

An essay from an Amazon developer looking to improve his skills, he shares his experiences at Amazon in a set of programming rules.

“I’m not a 10x developer….I was not That Guy overachieving on nights and weekends….In summary, I am a 1x developer. I do enough to get by respectably.”

Bookmarked The Art of Self-Coaching (Public Course) (Ed Batista)

Photo by Seth Anderson OVERVIEW The Art of Self-Coaching is a course that I designed and launched at the Stanford Graduate School of Business (GSB) in Spring 2015, and in Spring 2020 I’m teaching it again for the 13th time…

Bookmarked When police officers are told they’re in a war, they act like it (Vox)
Via Dave Winer, I am going to start following Patrick Skinner, it sounds like he understands both the problems and how to solve them…

Patrick Skinner spent a decade running counterterrorism operations overseas for the CIA. He worked in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Jordan; met with kings and presidents; rose through the ranks. But he came to believe he was part of the problem, that the very premise of the work was flawed. So he came home, and joined the police force in Savannah, Georgia, where he grew up.

I first learned about Skinner in a New Yorker profile. Then a friend mentioned his Twitter feed to me: There, Skinner reflects, in a thoughtful, continual stream, on the work of policing, the importance of treating your neighbors like neighbors, the daily work of deescalation, and the behavior of his menagerie of pets.

Bookmarked George W. Bush finally steps onto the right side of history (CNN)

In 2020 all Americans are deciding whether to be on the side of the race-baiting President Trump , or the American people who are protesting to make our democracy inclusive for black Americans. George W. Bush made the right choice: “Achieving justice for all is the duty of all,” writes Dorothy Brown. Which side will you be on?

A moving article, glad to see GWBush stepping in…