I joined the IndieWeb!
What does that mean? For the long version, I recommend reading An Introduction to the IndieWeb. Here is a super short version:
1) This web domain now is my main online identity, and I can use my domain as a way of authentication with a) “rel=me” links b) and my domain name…
May 2019
Read: On Reading Feeds #Indieweb Style
This is a quick exploration of my current and preferred feed reading patterns. As part of my activities, for Day 2, the hack day, of IndieWebCamp Utrecht.
I currently use a stand alone RSS reader, which only consumes RSS feeds. I also experiment with TinyTinyRSS which is a self-hosted feed-grabber a…
As you may know I deactivated my half-million follower/bot twitter account last August. I don’t miss it at all except as a newsfeed.
Twitter practically killed RSS readers by providing a firehose of instantaneously “curated” news. With all its flaws, that firehose is useful for a variety of re…
Read: Can Indie Social Media Save Us?
Artisanal versions of Twitter and Facebook hope to keep the good while jettisoning the bad.
My microblogging book is available on Amazon!
Many people are aware of microblogging, but how did microblogging get started? What are the practices of microblogging, and how is it different from regular blogging? Also, most people know about Twitter as a microblogging tool, but are there other tools available? This book describes the history of communication technology that led to microblogging, discusses common practices that apply to many tools, and an overview of five different microblogging tools you can use to start microblogging today!
Feedback is welcome!
How to avoid the corporate takeover of podcasting
Content providers trying to lock in users is not a new concept. All of the major video streaming services (Netflix, Hulu, Amazon) are producing original content that can only be viewed through their service. Apple and Google through iTunes and Google Play are gateways that people access podcasts, and Apple has been called out before for controlling podcast distribution through its extensive directory.
To me, these are the two ways of avoiding the takeover:
- Innovate on features and discoverability
- Find ways to help podcast producers know more about their listeners
Marco Arment took a nice step on point 1 with his clip feature that he added to the Overcast podcast app. Other innovations might be to support more distributed directories to assist in podcast discovery (OPML inclusion, anyone?).
Progress on point 2 might be difficult (requiring collaboration, between podcast app makers and other groups of people), but it might be better to band together to create new standards/processes/protocols than to be “picked off” one by one.