Bookmarked The Ladder of Freedom – I Will Teach You To Be Rich (I Will Teach You To Be Rich)

I was walking home from the gym in NYC and I had to stop and take a video of this.  I call it HELLSCAPE ON EARTH. Watch the entire video here Looking at this building full of people working at … Continued

This is a great article for stretching the boundaries of what I think being rich could be about.

Bookmarked Civic Minute – COVID-19 begins to spread (

In brief: New COVID-19 cases continued to be identified throughout the region and the state, as local companies, hospitals, and government officials and agencies scrambled to react to the spreading outbreak; and Washington’s presidential primary is coming up this Tuesday, March 10th. 

This is a weekly newsletter (Civic Minute) from Sol Villarreal, a realtor in the Seattle area. He has an excellent roundup of coronavirus news in the Seattle and Washington state areas.

Bookmarked The Word from Wuhan (
from The London Review of Books, a story on what is really going on in China/Wuhan, good thoughts to ponder as we watch the US response.

Wuhan, the capital of Hubei province, where the virus emerged, was locked down on 23 January. Since then misinformation and disinformation have dominated Chinese lives.