Is there a RSS revival going on?

Earlier this week, Taylor Lorenz, staff writer for The Atlantic on Internet culture, posted this on Twitter: (UPDATE 12/17/2018: Twitter post was deleted, here are links to Google search cache and offline copy)

Is there any good way to follow writers on a bunch of diff websites, so anytime they post a story I see a link or something in a single feed?

This resulted in a series of over 40 replies with recommendations for feed reader apps and generally using RSS. I added my own reply for rivers of news.

Next, a post from Cal Newport (saw this via Brad Enslen):

As any serious blog consumer can attest, a carefully curated blog feed, covering niches that matter to your life, can provide substantially more value than the collectivist ping-ponging of likes and memes that make up so much of social media interaction.

Wow! This from a person who acknowledges that he does not participate on social networks, but lets it slip that he uses RSS!

Case in point: I’ve never had a social media account, and yet I constantly enjoy connecting to people, and posting and monitoring information using digital networks.

Finally, Brad Enslen has a series of posts dealing with blogging, social media and RSS:

What do you think?

Read How Do You Read RSS? by Ton Zijlstra

Google Reader five years dead
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