in Action, Activism, Tools

Tools and activism

Ken Smith posted some quotes from Pete Seeger recently, where Seeger states that working within one’s home community is the most important work we have to do right now (Ken’s post title is “Essential Local Politics”). I feel that there is a great amount of information available online to help/assist/train individuals how to do work/activism within their communities. I have a list of resources available here, but I think the Community Tool Box from the University of Kansas is an excellent place to find frameworks for identifying an issue or issues to get involved with, and to identify concrete next steps.

In an earlier post, Ken Smith appears to express the opinion that he would like to see tools that help people get together to do work, to create content, to organize activities, and to have identity to allow them to affiliate with others and have a stronger voice. In a similar way to my first paragraph, I think there are many available online tools to help people with this work. Stephen Downes has created a massive resource called “Creating an Online Community, Class or Conference – Quick Tech Guide”. I think the tools identified here could satisfy a lot of what Ken is looking for supporting activism. I welcome Ken’s input on this. 

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