in Knowledge Management, Zettlekasten

Starting my OPML zettelkasten

As mentioned in my post yesterday about an open zettelkasten, I proposed using OPML and Markdown files to capture info. I am starting with using OPML to create a collections of links and analysis. I am using the Drummer outliner by Dave Winer to create the OPML file, and a Drummer feature to display the file openly on the web (see here to review the outline). In the outline, links are grouped by topic, but I am also using Drummer to edit the attributes of the individual entries to add the attribute “tags” and to set that attribute to one or more tags as appropriate. I hope to develop some XSLT style sheets soon to be able to provide visibility into the entries by tag groupings. My goal is to add 10 links a day (I have thousands!) and see where it takes me. Other thoughts:/ideas: archive the OPML on Github, same for the Markdown files.

Feel free to contact me with ideas/comments/links/whatever!

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