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  • I have been interested in using bookmarklets to post to my WordPress site. This Chris Aldrich article interested me enough that I was willing to do something about it. First, I had to figure out what was the correct “Press This” plugin from WordPress (it is here) and install that. Next, I decided to also install the Indieweb Press This plugin (found here). After installing both of those, I went to the Tools menu from my WordPress dashboard, then selected the Available Tools menu. I then saw entries for PressThis and IndieWeb Press This.

    I then dragged the Press This bookmarklet into my browser bookmarks bar and was able to create this post.
    Next, I used the bookmarklet from the Chris Aldrich article above. I edited the example bookmarklet code to replace example.com with my website name, then dragged his sample bookmarklet to the browser bookmarks bar, then edited the bookmark and pasted my modified code, then was able to create this post.
    Next steps – try to get this working on mobile!