in Blogging, Links, Micro.Blog, MyStatusTool, Publishing

On the topic of link blogs

There has been some discussion somewhere this month on the Web (although I cannot find it) of a new list or lists of link blogs. Brad Enslen noted earlier this month that he sees an increase of link blogs in his browsing. The discussion of linkblogging has been going on for a long time (see this Manton Reece post form 2016 as an example). I have a Links category on my website (with its own feed), so someone could follow just the links part of my website. It is a simple thing to do in WordPress, as well as most other weblog tools. I also have another blogging tool (MyStatusTool) which is well suited to use as a link blog and has its own feed. Of course, there are many ways to publish a link blog, but why not get started with the tools you have at hand? As I mentioned recently, we have great tools available – let’s create some great things! Start blogging those links!

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