Having a conversation
If I want to have a conversation with someone, how should I go about doing that? If I read a post by someone and want to respond, should I try writing my own comment and linking to their site to see if they have webmention support? Should I try to comment directly on their site? What about contacting them on IRC? What if they aren’t on IRC right then?How do I decide how the person wants to be contacted? (look at their h-card info?) It is a bit confusing to me.
Following other sites
Another area of interest is how to follow what other people are posting. Do IndieWeb sites have feeds, and how do I find them? I looked at my own site, and realized to my horror that there was nothing there indicating my feeds! I hurriedly looked through my WordPress widgets, found the one with the RSS feeds, and added that to my home page. I am also interested in seeing if my theme supports other types of feeds based on posts. Since there is a status post, I wonder if the theme creates a feed with just status posts, or if the theme supports feeds for categories. Jeena from Sweden writes about the “indie feed reader” problem. I installed Tiny Tiny RSS, then started adding some IndieWeb sites, and saw that Aaron Parecki, Amber Case, and Tantek Celik do not appear to produce feeds from their sites. I looked around on the IndieWebCamp site, and saw pages on feeds, feed readers, and using microformat parsers to read/follow websites that use microformat markup. Whew! It looks like there are lots of options, but nothing that is very user-friendly. Maybe that means there is an opportunity here…
Curating the web
Finally I am interested in tools to help me curate the web. I currently follow Dave Winer’s River of News web site, where he publishes “rivers” of RSS content on various topics. When I look at these rivers on my Samsung Galaxy S3 using Google Chrome, I scan through the list of news items, and create a new tab for items I want to read. If I want to keep a record of an article or post, I share the URL to Todo.txt, then edit my todo.txt file and copy those links to another text file that I have on my PC. If I am reading articles on my PC and find something that I want to record, I copy the link to my text file, and usually try to copy the title of the article or write a comment below the link to describe what it is. If I want to find something, I do a search of the text file with whatever terms I can remember. I don’t do any tagging or any other categorization, so this is primarily a link dump. I would like to do more in this area. I would also like to be able to publish rivers on my site. I know about Planet and Sam Ruby’s Venus. I am using Venus to power a river of news for one of my websites, but again it was not as user-friendly as I would like, and had problems in displaying embedded videos. Again, maybe there is an opportunity here…
@andysylvester.com These are great topics to guide the conversation on Wednesday! You should definitely share these during the intro session, and we can continue further discussion on them during the second half! #indieweb
@andysylvester.com Hi Andy! Thanks for writing about your IndieWeb Areas of Interest. Re: Having a conversation – at tomorrow’s meetup we’ll help you set up WebMention, and re: Following other sites – this is a good discussion to have. Check out http://news.indiewebcamp.com/ and http://tantek.com/2013/338/b1/people-focused-mobile-communication-experience. #indieweb #webmention #homebrewwebsiteclub
It is not quite true that http://caseorganic.com, http://aaronparecki.com and http://tantek.com do not provide a RSS feed. They do indeed, but sadly just don’t link to it in a visible manner. You need to install some RSS-button extension which will show to you who offers a RSS feed which is only linked in the head-part of the HTML. For Chrome this one works well for me: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/rss-subscription-extensio/nlbjncdgjeocebhnmkbbbdekmmmcbfjd there are similar ones for all the other major browsers. But I agree that it is absolutely not obvious for normal people that they offer feeds.
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