in rssCloud

rssCloud testing – Day 2

Based on the day 1 test results, I decided to update my test app to check for my rssCloud website feed and start running it again. Next, I made two new posts and used the ping form at Andrew Shell’s rssCloud server site to inform that server of updates. I was able to see that the server acknowledged the pings, and my test app was notified. For the second test post, I removed the port number fromĀ  Andrew Shell’s rssCloud server ping URL in the Settings/Writing menu. However, I did not see any evidence that the rssCloud server received a ping from my WordPress site.

Based on the current results, it seems that my setting of the WordPress Update Settings area in the Settings/Writing is not resulting in pinging the rssCloud server site. If anyone out there has some ideas on how to check this, I would appreciate it (my initial Google searches did not turn up anything helpful).

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