in ChatGPT, Micro.Blog, Software Development, Web Development

How to update a SSL certificate for a site hosted by Caddy web server

I recently checked a site of mine (Andy Status Tool) that was being served under https using the Caddy web server. However, my browser was telling me that the site was “not secure” and making me click two times to get to the site, and still showing “Not Secure” in the URL window.

I asked ChatGPT what to do about this, and of course it gave me 7-8 things to check/try. I decided to do the third thing (manually trigger certificate renewal). I logged into my server, navigated to the directory that had my Caddyfile, and entered the command “sudo caddy reload –force” (there are two dashes in front of the word “force”). I waited about 10 seconds, then closed the browser tab to my site, opened a new tab, and went to the site again – it was secure again! Thanks ChatGPT!

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