in Knowledge Management, OPML, Zettlekasten

OPML Zettelkasten Update – Day 2

I was able to add another 10 links to my ZK OPML file (did you like how I shortened that name?), have noticed a few workflow things in these first two days. First, I am assigning links under a category outline heading, but I am also adding link for each item and usually have at least two tags per link. Second, Drummer usually allows me to select text by click/drag when I start editing, but at some point, I have to enter links manually (adding a href tag, etc). This is a drag, but I am pushing on. Third, I started by reviewing feeds in my reading list app, added those first to the ZK file, then added other saved links until I got to my goal of 10 links.

So far, adding 10 links at a time is taking at least 30-45 minutes. I am not sure if I can keep up that pace, but again I am pushing on – time will tell.

I have looked over several themes for the Hugo static site generator as a tool for using Markdown files for a zettelkasten, my initial choice will be the Fluency theme (Githubdemo), as it seems to feature the ability to display content by tags.

Some links of note for ZK info that I found during my Hugo search (guess I will have to add these to my ZK file!):

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