in Knowledge Management, Tools for Thought, Writing, Zettlekasten

Some thoughts on “Why write?”

Ken Smith wrote a stream-of-consciousness post on why writers write, or why people should write. I have collected a few resources, and wanted to share them today.

From the first two episodes of my podcast Thinking About Tools For Thought, I discussed writing as a primary tool for thought.

Anna Havron at Analog Office recently wrote about how pen and paper (simple tools) can be used to create complex things (all artifacts of writing)

Sascha at had an excellent breakdown of how value is added to a zettlekasten system (writing/knowledge system)

Swyx proposes a “three strikes rule” for blogging (three stumbles across something means you have to write it down/share)

Josh Bernoff shares his top three reasons why writers should blog (practice, testing ideas, building an audience)

So – there you go – get started! I’m going to try to keep up this writing streak…

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