in Computers

Got problems with Windows 10 sound/app focus? It might be a stuck key…

Recently, I had two problems with my Windows 10 computer at work. The first one was an inability to control the volume of the computer during Google Hangouts. The volume would always go to 100%, and I could not reduce it. Eventually, I figured out that there was a function key on my keyboard for increasing the volume, and it was pressed down and stuck. After fiddling with it for a few seconds, I managed to loosen it, and was able to control my PC volume again.

The second problem was that a Radeon Graphics setting pop-up started popping up. At first, I thought it was a computer problem again, but then I started searching and found that this particular pop-up is tied to Alt-R. Sure enough, when I looked at my keyboard, the left Alt key was stuck, and after more fiddling, I was able to type the letter “r” without bringing up this pop-up.

Moral: Look at your keyboard when weird things start happening on your PC. If they persist, maybe get a new keyboard…..

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