in IndieWeb

Rebooting My Weblog

I started my weblog a few years ago, and have done some writing here and for publication. However, I have let things slide, and have not been active in quite a while. In the past few months, I have become interested in the IndieWeb concept of publishing your content once and syndicating elsewhere (POSSE). I am also interested in doing some mobile development and finally have some time to explore both of these areas. With this being the first part of the year, I thought I would put my stake in the ground as to what my weblog focus will be:

Out of the Box – These types of posts will be to capture the first experience of using a tool, app, or technique. My hope is to capture the good, the bad, and the ugly, and provide feedback on the bad and ugly parts.

Narrate Your Work – Following Dave Winer’s post, I am going to work to document my steps as I try out new tools and apps.

I am also going to take heart in Matt Mullenweg’s post for the New Year where he talks about the intrinsic value of blogging, and write this weblog for myself and one other person (I will have to figure our who that person is!). Now, let’s get started!

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