in Books, Federated Bookshelves, OPML, Software Development

Requirement brainstorm and some tools for Federated Bookshelves

I summarized requirement-type information from a number of posts on the Federated Bookshelves/Library JSON idea, see the Github repo for details. If anyone is interested in participating in a conversation on this topic, I have created a Github issue to capture comments.

Also, I found two tools today to more easily view OPML and JSON files:

  • OPML Viewer  – Can open an OPML file (local or online) and show original text and XML tree view
  • JSON Viewer   – Can open a JSON file (local or online) and show original text and object view

I added these to the tools section on the main Federated Bookshelves repo file.

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  • I have created a set of requirements for an app called Booklist Browser, and for Booklists to be read by Booklist Browser. The draft requirements can be viewed on this Github issue. This is my contribution to the conversation I tried to start in this blog post on Federated Bookshelves. Input from others would be welcome!