I have continued to use Hugo to maintain two link blogs (linkblog.andysylvester.com, a random collection of links, and liveblog47.andysylvester.com a collection of news live blog links on the second Trump presidency), and I thought it was a good time to share an update. I am using the Anubis2 theme that I saw on Jack Baty’s site. I am using Visual Studio Code to create the Markdown files. My approach for the linkblog site is to present a link and the title of the piece or short excerpt. I have not been entirely successful (sometimes I am just pasting the links in a file at the end of the day), but by using Hugo, I can go back at a later time and edit the files easily to fill in information and re-render the site. By switching folders within Visual Studio Code, the editor opens the most recently edited file, which is easy to save as a new file.
In the Liveblog47 site, I wanted to have a record of Trump news, but not have to spend a lot of time tracking down posts to link to. CNN has a pretty regular live blog page daily, so as long as I can check CNN during the day, I can save that link, and paste it in a new file. The URL naming is sometimes inconsistent, so checking each day is pretty much a requirement. I had a site during the 2024 election (Kamala Campaign Timeline) which ended up taking a lot of time, and I did not want to invest that much time in Trump news.
Overall, I am pleased with the link blogs so far. I feel better having the links in a site online, rather than a big link dump file on my hard drive. At least they are live…