Booklist Browser app update

This weekend, I moved my cut at Booklist Browser app requirements from the Github issue to its own page. Next, I took a cut at defining the possible domains for the Booklist Browser app, using concepts as described in “How to Engineer Software” by Steve Tockey ( My next step will be to define use cases based on the domain definition and requirements.

Another OPML viewer for Federated Bookshelves

I am playing with a new toolkit from Dave Winer for working with OPML (, and modified the client example to read my booklist file – nice!

A reader wanted instructions on how I did this, so here they are:

  • Download the zip file from the Github repo
  • Edit code.js in the client folder to provide a URL for an OPML file that is available on the web
  • Upload the files to some web hosting
  • Go to index.html to view the OPML file

Requirement brainstorm and some tools for Federated Bookshelves

I summarized requirement-type information from a number of posts on the Federated Bookshelves/Library JSON idea, see the Github repo for details. If anyone is interested in participating in a conversation on this topic, I have created a Github issue to capture comments.

Also, I found two tools today to more easily view OPML and JSON files:

  • OPML Viewer  – Can open an OPML file (local or online) and show original text and XML tree view
  • JSON Viewer   – Can open a JSON file (local or online) and show original text and object view

I added these to the tools section on the main Federated Bookshelves repo file.

Library JSON test viewer now available

I have created a test viewer for the Library JSON format as defined by Tom Critchlow. It reads a JSON file following the format and displays the elements in the JSON file. I have a working one on my website reading Tom Critchlow’s test file. I have added the HTML file for the viewer to the Federated Bookshelves Github repo.

Now that we have a simple way to view both OPML and Library JSON files, I am going to put some thoughts together on Github about the next items to work on….