in, Blogging, Software Development

Install notes on and MyWord Editor

I am working with Ron Chester to set up some instances of the and MyWord Editor blogging tools, and have some test installs working on my Digital Ocean instance. I did have to make a tweak to one of the files in the nodestorage app, will be filing a Github issue on this. However, I did want to capture a few points that I re-learned in doing this again:

  • Install separate instances of nodestorage for each app (using different ports), otherwise you will mess up one of the tool outputs.
  • The Twitter API setup at has changed a little bit, what used to be called consumer secret and API secret are now part of the API secrets at the top of the page with the secrets info.

If you want to try the installs, go to the following URLs:

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  1. @AndySylvester Folks, I’ve been testing out both of these Dave Winer tools and I’m thrilled to be able to use them again. I was the first person to start using MyWord Editor when Dave first made it available, so it has a special place in my heart. And Doc Searls is still using regularly. Both blogging tools are sooo easy to use and their output is just gorgeous, so much nicer than anything I can produce on my blog here. Once Andy gets me all setup, I will be using the tools for blogging about Thailand. We’re going back for an extended stay there this fall, the first time in a few years. I usually have time for some blogging while I’m there and this time it will be with the tools that Andy is whipping into shape! I am verrrrry grateful that he’s been helping me. Keep up the good work, Andy!!